November 11th 2011

2 minute read time.

I arrived at the Hospice about 10-10.30 and for the first time I had to wait for a nurse to come and get me and take me to Mo, the reason I had to wait was because Mo was having a bath!!??. Talk about cliches, 'ups and downs',peaks and troughs,a rollercoaster ride, Jo the nurse-in-charge came and got me and even apologised for keeping me waiting and took me into Mo. I went in and Mo was sitting up in bed with a towel behind her head as her hair was still wet, apparently Mo wanted to let her hair dry that way even though the nurses did offer to dry it for her. "I hear youv'e had a bath and your hair washed?" I said to Mo, "Yes it was lovely,nice and hot and I had a jacuzzi too" Mo replied, not all at once obviously but during the time I was visiting. The only problem with Mo is once she's had a bath she gets tired, even at home she did before everything happened. I had bought my laptop in today so Mo could listen to some music, "Elvis or some classical?" I asked her, silly question really Elvis wins all the time so Mo listened to a bit of Elvis which she enjoyed. I had to skip one of the songs, 'Mama liked the roses' as it reminded Mo of her mum and makes her sad and we can't have that. We listened to the music for a little while longer and then I realised that I had brought up an Elvis film on dvd with me. Its been sitting at home still wrapped up and sealed for ages, we just never got around to actually watching it. "Did you fancy watching an Elvis film with me?" I asked Mo and she nodded her head so I tried to set it up on the tv as there was a dvd player in Mo's room. I eventually got it organised and then a nurse arrived with Mo's lunch  and she also started to watch the film too while she gave Mo her lunch. Mo managed to eat quite a bit of her lunch it took a bit longer as every now and again she kept on watching the film, which was fine. After lunch Mo and I carried on watching the dvd for a little while and then I turned around to say something to Mo and she had fallen asleep. I tried to creep out without waking her but Mo stirred and saw me so I gave her a kiss and said that I would see her tomorrow.
