November 10th 2011

1 minute read time.

Today was a very good day Mo was up and out of the bed in a specialised chair and talking to everyone according to the nursing staff I spoke to when I rang this morning. Considering last night I was all ready to go up to the Hospice as I was really worried, this latest turn around is a 'bolt from the blue' I wasn't expecting the nurses to tell me THAT!.I went to meet my mum, all prepared to put her off today, ended up giving her some good news for a change. After being told what had happened with Mo this morning I decided to take my mum to Hailsham and spend some time with her and visit Mo later. My mum knew that I would be pre-occupied with Mo's latest development and not really that relaxed while we were out 'doing'. I hadn't said anything to give my mum that impression but she knew. "Look lets go up and see Mo now and go out at 1pm when Mo is resting" mum said, "I know what your like you will only worry and not want to miss out on Mo being up and out of bed". My mum was right, not for the first time but don't tell her that so we went up and visited Mo. I was very glad to see Mo up out of the bed and sitting in a chair,the chair was huge with all padding on it looked like a massive big armchair and she seemed quite comfortable. Mo sat in the chair for a fair amount of time,very chatty probably because she was sitting up, it allows her to breath a bit easier as she wasn't laying on her back. Unfortunately like with most things Mo was tiring and I had a word with the nurses and asked them to put her back in the bed,we gave Mo a kiss and said goodbye and left so the nurses could do what they needed to.
