The Life and Times of Steve Chalk aged...well older than yesterday

  • Your help would be appreciated.


    OK, OK, so I can’t keep a promise to myself. 

    I vowed you see,  I’d stay away from Macland until the site was sorted, as it was just leaving me frustrated and disillusioned.  Reading through the various blogs and comments not a lot has improved but what can I say, I'm weak willed and have given in.

    I have in all honesty been dropping in from time to time to keep up with everyone but that’s only a little…

  • The Fairy Tale of New Mac.


    Once upon a time in a land not too far away the people lived happily, maybe not ever after but happily all the same.

    They loved and laughed together.  They cried together.  In small but significant ways they helped those less fortunate than themselves and were, in turn, helped by those more blessed with fortune.  They were more than a people, they were a family.  A family united in war, for all had confronted the Beast at…

  • Old Spice never fails........


    OK, I’ve bitten the bullet and decided that I should really make an effort to accept that Macland has changed and that is that.  It doesn’t seem to matter that all and sundry have the very same complaints, it appears what we’ve got, we’ve got so come hell or high water we have to make the best of it.

    I will have a quick moan though in the vain hope that somebody on high reads this and is moved…

  • Head Tilters & The Fuzz


    To beard or not to beard, that is the question?

    Since having the cut and shut on my neck it has been unpractical to shave on the left, so being a man of liberal tendencies I have allowed the right to compete equally and now find myself with an embryonic beard of sorts.

    I should confess to already having a goatee type affair in place – through laziness more than style icon I hasten to add – so in some ways facial fuzz…

  • Doctor Jr.

    Let me make it clear from the outset that I’m not a Luddite, in fact far from it.  I embrace change and new technologies.  I’m all for the advancement of the human race.  I love it when services and systems evolve, thereby making life easier for us mere mortals.  But a Doctors surgery by phone – how is that ever a good idea????
    A bit of background may be relevant at this point in time, otherwise you’ll…