Why I'm here

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I've chosen to start a blog at Macmillan for several reasons:

Habit. I run a blog already, and writing about my life has become an ingrained diary-keeping habit. This is perhaps a selfish reason, but writing helps me handle difficulties.

Privacy. I don't want to write about this side of my life in my existing blog, yet. My parents are elderly, none too well themselves, and very stressed by other circumstances. I don't want to add to their worries. We're on good terms, but they live overseas and we don't often meet in person, due to travel costs, so I've decided not to tell them about my illness unless it becomes unavoidable. It was a difficult choice - one to be weighed against the potential insult of not confiding in them - but after long thought, that was the way I decided to handle it.

Help. Writing about my illness and treatment might just help someone else deal with similar. "Similar to what?" is a fair question. All we know is that it has turned up in chest lymph nodes. I should know what precisely when the PET scan results come through.

- James

  • FormerMember

    Hello, James.

    Welcome! Wow. You've chosen a very hard path for yourself, keeping your illness from your parents. That's very courageous and commendable, but I hope you have lots of support around you for when you get your diagnosis and begin treatment.

    I wish you well, despite your wicked-looking avatar! You should find many people here with helpful advice and shared experiences, should you need that later, when you know what you're dealing with. Best of luck to you.

    minima x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi James,


    Good luck on your chosen path which I hope is not too arduous. If you need support, don't forget there is always the chat room or the Macmillan helpline. 0808 808 00 00

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you, both. Dad in particular has been through so much in his life, including recent deaths and illness of other close relatives and long-standing friends, that I don't want to lay any extra worries on him, if I can avoid it. I'm fortunate in having a great partner, and more friends than I knew (some surprising people have come out of the woodwork).

    > your wicked-looking avatar

    As you may have guessed, it's Professor Moriarty as depicted in the Strand Magazine (I'm a bit of a Holmes fan), and of course "Irene" comes from the same mythos.

    - James

  • FormerMember

    OF COURSE! How silly of me. Irene Adler. Big fan of Holmes. You get more of my sympathy now!!! x x x