
Less than one minute read time.
Department of the unexpected... I was feeling fine 10 days after the first chemo session - more energy, and over the immediate toxic effects. Then I felt a trifle unwell on Sunday and followed protocol by getting checked out at the hospital. They found I was neutropenic - no white blood cells, which isn't supposed to happen - so it was straight to an isolation room and intravenous antibiotics. I feel fine. While I'm not exactly sitting here in luxury with a bottle of Chablis, it's a comfortable if sparse room with free TV (not one of those overpriced bedside console jobs), Irene brought in my laptop and e-reader, and I can get Internet via my phone. It's still boring and inactive, though. My neutrophils were zero when I came in, 0.1 yesterday, and 0.2 today. I get out when they reach 0.5. Hurry up, guys! - James