Friends and others

3 minute read time.

We fall and we rise again

I'm sure this is a universal experience, but people's reactions to hearing of my illness have been highly varied, some predictable, and some surprising (though not always in a good way).

I'm an atheist, but a number of people I know to be religious are praying for me: in the conventional Christian way; by being "held in the light" - a very nice concept - by a Quaker; and by being sent remote reiki by a New Age lady. I don't mind that; while I don't share their beliefs, it's completely well-intentioned, and I take it in the spirit intended. Less welcome, though I suppose well-meant, was an anecdotal recommendation for the (completely scientifically discredited) Essiac Tea. Even less welcome was an ear-bend on how cancer is easily curable, that the cure can be found on YouTube - I wish! - and that I'm just being suckered by the Big Pharma conspiracy.

And then there's a relative of Irene, who turned out to be a broken reed. "Anything I can do to help", when it came to it, rapidly morphed into a compendium of insultingly lame "I'm washing my hair" excuses why he couldn't do a simple favour for her, with no satisfactory explanation. Unfortunately I've majorly fallen out with him over that, as it brought into sharp focus my long-running irritation at his habit of shying away from emotional situations, and of logicking away any responsibility for the effect his self-centred and precious stance has on others. No doubt the stress of the current situation made my fuse shorter than usual, too. Irene isn't too bothered; she doesn't feel as strongly as I do about it, probably because it's all very familiar. It appears to be a trait in one branch of her family to have a monstrous lack of empathy and altruism, and worse, to readily find intellectual reasons why others are unreasonable in their reactions to this. She hasn't inherited that trait; I wouldn't be married to her after 20+ years if she had.

But there are far more positives than negatives. As I said, my Dad and his family have been brilliant, despite a lot of other ongoing family drama. So have my regular friends from the business, pub, and music circuit (several, completely unknown to me, have themselves had encounters with serious cancer). One long-standing friend, who I've been on slightly frosty terms with after we argued a couple of years ago about management of a club we co-founded, repaired all the bridges by inviting me out for a coffee, and we had the longest chat we've had for ages. There's been the occasional weird offer too. One guy cheerfully told me (you'll have to imagine the Scouse accent), "Any time you want any weed, man, just ask!" It's not an offer I mean to take up, but you can't doubt the goodwill! A number of online contacts have also been unexpectedly supportive; I find I have secret fans who've been reading my science articles for years, and some are shining and encouraging examples of carrying on despite harrowing circumstances.

I know it's trite to say this, but cancer diagnosis has proved a time to cut to the chase with friends and family: to grasp the ones who are positive to have in your life, even if you've had past differences or the relationship isn't deeply meaningful; and to ditch the ones who are toxic and negative, however close they've seemed to be.

- James

  • FormerMember

    Hi James, I read your comments, specially the one about you being an atheist. I'm agnostic and also feel complemented when someone says they will pray for me. Does it work ?? Who knows.........All I know is I'm still around 4 years down the line from a lung cancer dx. It struck a chord when you described how useless people can become.......first offering all the help they can give, then finding loads of excuses why they cant help when you need it.

    I still work, got 19 months to go to retirement but can only manage part time due to Rheumatoid Arthritis. First lung cancer then rheumatoid arthritis, aren't I a lucky boy ??

    I claim DLA because of this, it helps me get around and I couldn't really work without it. Family and so called friends have proved to be almost useless as helpers so I just ignore most of them now. The biggest problem has been my employer, its Europes largest logistics company and they have been useless, nay, obstructive in their actions. I have only asked for small concessions and its been a struggle to get them. My walking and breathing is compromised and our HR Dept informed me that they dont legally have to help at all. I quoted the Equality Act 2010 to them and their attitude changed slightly. Now they GRUDGINGLY have to help, albeit only in small ways but still grudgingly.

    Both cancer and arthritis are covered by the act and companies thrive on the ignorance of employees. Positive help comes from people who you would least expect to give it, workmates, already busy with their own tasks do you small favours without you having to ask.

    I treat a lot with contempt these days, I avoid them socially and they are getting the message. Good luck in life, I hope your journey is an easy one.

  • FormerMember

    Hear hear James well said!  my husband and I have also experienced those people who say and I quote "oh he'll be fine"  if I wasnt sure I would be sued for assault I would happily smack them one!  You are correct in what you say, a cancer diagnosis does sort out the wheat from the chaff the good friends from bad and get rid of the hangers on.  At this point we need people who are going to support us through this journey and stand alongside us ready to catch us when we fall - not those who turn their backs and simply walk away.

    Julia x

  • FormerMember

    I am caring for my sister who has metastatic lung cancer and my siblings are behaving like headless chickens.  They represent no help or support whatsoever and seem to be most interested in undermining me and plotting behind our backs.  Since the diagnosis in June they have visited twice - each time crashing in like a herd of buffalo, rearranging everything and leaving chaos in their wakes before returning to their safe little lives.  They then send patronising text messages - 'thinking of you', 'chin up' and the inevitable 'stay strong'.  They have no idea of the reality of this vile thing.  They have no idea what support really means.  I hope they will find out one day.

  • FormerMember

    Thanks to you all. Sorry to hear you have the same kind of problems, but it makes me feel less of a misery to know they happen to others. All it takes is that people "get it" - understand what an uncertain, exhausting, and emotionally raw situation this is, and will continue to be - even if they can't do anything. I really want to slap round the head the ones who think a firm diagnosis and starting a course of treatment makes everything go back to business as normal.

    Irene's relative that I mentioned is pestering us now to get cleaned and decorated for sale a flat in our area that he and Irene jointly inherited. No sign of his getting off his backside and coming down to help practically, and I know from considerable experience exactly what he'd say if we complained: "Well, it makes sense that you do it, because I'm not very good at these things, and you're living nearer to it and better placed to liaise with local firms if you need to hire someone." And he would genuinely not understand why this would make me want to slug him with a wok.