The best thing I ever did (not for the faint-hearted)

3 minute read time.

Well it's been one of those days - the first wedding anniversary without my lovely man. Cold, grey and wet. Yesterday reminded me more of my wedding day - hot and sunny and blue sky.

Went to the grave and put more red roses there and a big wicker heart with a single red rose through it. It is so flippin' obvious what I think of the person lying down there. There are red roses and hearts all over the place. Crazy woman! I didn't cry. I am not crying now. But so help me, I would give my life to be with my man again. 

Went to the supermarket and thought 'Stuff it,' and bought a bottle of champagne which I cracked open with my lovely daughter this afternoon, and we both raised a glass to her Dad. (And I have had 3 more glasses since. Could get to like this!!!!!) After daughter left, I went and found some wedding photos, and picked out one to put in a new frame. And then bam, found a little picture of my man looking straight at the camera 34 years ago. God he was lovely. Young, and strong, blue-eyed, long fair hair and he could melt my heart with a glance. Looking like all the world was in front of him, and it was then. And such beautiful hands. And if I let myself, I could crumble and collapse and fall into a heaving weeping mess on the kitchen floor. Ah but Life is cruel. That a man should be felled by such a creeping, vile, invasive, hideous disease is unspeakably loathesome. (I hate cancer by the way.)

And even though our life together was full of challenges (more than I care to reveal here) and the difficulties of raising kids, work, family rubbish, previous first marriages for both of us, deaths of brothers, parents,  etc etc .......even though I walked out on one occasion (and came back quickly) and came close to it at other times (and I guess he may have too)............    Despite all that, the best thing I ever did was to choose to live with my man and to cement that relationship 34 years ago today. I hope he knew that. I really hope he knew that. Because in the hospice, I had to make it easier for him by telling him I would be alright. How could I say what I knew - that I would fall apart, that Life would never be the same, that I couldn't live without him etc etc . How could I do that to a man who was fighting every centimetre to stay with us because he loved Life so much.

And so here I am. I AM trying to live without him and it is taking every nanometre of my very being to do that. But just for today, I want him to know that the best thing I ever did was to sign that piece of paper 34 years ago saying I would be his mate, through sickness and in health. And I want him to know I would go through all that horror in the hospice over and over again if I had to. Because I loved him. 

And you know what? I still do. And I probably will forever. And noone is going to take that away from me.

So now you understand. Grief is the price you pay for loving someone. 

Little Jen XX

PS And as for you cancer, I am here with all the warrior strength I can summon to tell you that you are NOT, no you NOT messing with my family or with me because we are going to survive because our man's strength has been passed to us.

  • FormerMember

    Dearest, Loveliest Jen,

    I stand here arms stretched out embracing you in a big hug that wraps you in a warm blanket of love.

    Your an amazing woman. I LOVE that you left that gorgeous wicker heart, i LOVE that you raised more than one glass, i LOVE that you and your children celebrated him and remembered him and loved him all that more on one very special, if not slightly painful day. He knows you love him, will always love him, and that all the time spent together no matter how rough it got, was time spent with that wonderful person who just gets you with a look. That stuff is special, and cannot ever be forgotten, and cancer can take many many things from us, but not those wonderful memories and all too important times spent together. 

    You have so much strength, you may not see it all just now, but one day you will realise how very strong you are. Baby steps, remembering to breathe, all take up so much energy right now but give it time and you will look back and realise how strong you are and how much you have done, your beloved wonderful man proud by how you have coped, how you have remembered and celebrated him, how much your love for each other still carries on and helps give you that strength. 

    You are rarely far from my thoughts, although im rarely on here properly thanks to technology being a tad useless.

    Stand tall my warrior sister, im by your side if you wobble.

    Much love,

    Isis xxxx 

  • FormerMember

    Dear  LittleJen

    Wow.  What a Warrior you are.  Thank you for sharing.  Your pain, loss and suffering is heart rending.  Yet still you find the strength to share with others and inspire them with the honesty of your ever lasting love.  A true Queen to your King of your heart.    You are amazing and oh so brave.

    You told him the truth when you said you would be alright.  You will.  You have the guts to continue with a life that has a huge piece missing and you will live it to the best of your ability.  You will be a different kind of alright.  And you will do it surrounded with the love you shared.  

    I admire you hugely and I am deeply indebted to you for stating the obvious and reminding me that Grief is the price you pay for loving someone.   Gosh I needed that.  It is a price I too shall pay everyday of my life.  I pay it in fortitude.

    Best wishes are with you Jen.  Thank you again.   xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh heavens you lovely people -

    I am totally covered in embarrassment and my cheeks are very red and my head is swollen! I am just me and I guess I write things as a record for myself and if it helps anyone else, then that is a bonus. I also keep 2 journals. Don't get to write in them every day, but when things are tough or when I find myself appreciating how lucky I've been, I write all that down.

    One of the journals is an open letter to my man over the last 3 months. It is full of 'If onlys," regrets, apologies and yearning but more recently, has softened to include the thanks, one or two funny comments and little reminders about the funny songs he used to sing, such as:

    "I fell in love with a pretty little hen.....!"

    or (this'll crease you up) 'The dog-dosing strip at Dunsandel!' That's a Kiwi thing! You'll have to ask another South Island Kiwi what it means as I don't think folks take their dogs to the same place to all be 'dosed' or treated any more.

    Yesterday of course I finished my page of writing to my man the same way I always end. Just telling him I love him and I always will.

    And no, I am not a warrior or worthy of praise because this morning I felt the grief tsunami building and building. I knew it was about time it hit me and was on the floor screaming and keening and begging to be let off life because it is so very hard being without half of me. The pain of amputation can overtake me, but I begged David to give me some strength, gave myself a talking to, picked myself up and started on my list of things needing attention. And so it goes on......None of us is immune.

    That said, I stand by everything I wrote yesterday. I was the luckiest woman to share time with such a gorgeous man. One day I will be able to look back without the pain, I hope, and I shall still rate myself very fortunate indeed.

    Oh, and I put a spoon in the champagne bottle to keep in the bubbles so will be able to have a last glass with my beans on toast tonight after choir. Ah the high life! I could get used to this!!!!!

    Bless you all my friends. Tread softly and keep moving slowly forwards.

    Huge hugs,

    Little Jen X


  • FormerMember

    I'll be on the bottom of your bed tonight.... polishing off the rusty bits from the tears ready for tomorrow.

    Sing your soul happy tonight and enjoy your champagne and beans.

    Funny how we see others but not ourselves eh?

    Fellow warrior bumbling along, nothing special, just me... ;)

    Biggest hug

    Little Viking in Red Dress x