1 minute read time.

See this journey isn't my personal battle with cancer, this is my personal battle with my granddad's cancer. My granddad being my best friend, my hero and above all my rock - through the bad times and the good he has been there for me, and I am trying to be there for him in his time of need.

My Granddad is a very healthy soon-to-be 80 year old with no previous health problems (the last time he was in hospital was 60 years ago to have his appenix removed when he was in the RAF). He takes no daily medications and is, as they say, fit as a fiddle. However all that changed 4 months ago...

Since moving from North Wales to Manchester 11 years ago I have always called my granddad everyday with no fail, still very close to this man who I consider a second father to me. So, that Wednesday afternoon early February when I was trying to call him on my drive from work to no avail - I called my mum only only to be told that my Granddad was in hospital having a blood transfusion, of which then the details of the cancer emerged. Heartbroken.

He had been feeling tired all the time and slightly constipated, so took a trip to the doctors who arranged a rectal examination... So, the following week my world fell apart when he was diagnosed with Colon Cancer with 2 Mets to one lung and a suspicious met to the liver accompanied by Diverticulosis with the final staging being T3 N1 M1.

I will continue with the blog tonight, too upset to now.
