The Art of Suffering

  • Cancer Free!! My "New Normal"


    It's been seven weeks since I had my mastectomy and lymph node clearance. They didn't find any cancer in the tissue that was removed and I jumped for joy!

    I thought life would start to go back to normal... oh how I was wrong!! My new blog page has just been posted for anyone interested in seeing what my 'New Normal' is all about...…

  • Silver Linings


    Cancer is a funny thing. It puts your life into perspective and in my world, a lot of good has come from it. I thought it might be nice to share the ‘Silver Lining’ of my dark days and this arduous journey.


  • Nutrition take two.. Fix the Cells!


    Since being diagnosed with Breast Cancer I have become a little obsessed with learning about nutrition and trying to use it as a tool to avoid the side effects of Chemo. So far so good... but I am always adapting it.

    Since writing my initial blog about what I do on a daily basis to help myself, I have just updated it.

    I am just about to have my fourth EC treatment.

    Anyway I just thought it might help someone else…

  • My experience of hair loss - EC Chemo.


    I see a lot of posts about hair on here and I have written a page about my 'hair journey' that I hope might help someone else going through chemo. I am only on my 3rd chemo EC treatment so far but I'm now completely bald. It's funny but by the end of the 'journey' I didn't really care much about my hair anymore. Other ladies going through this have told me the same thing. For me it was one of the only things I had / have…

  • Breast Cancer my journey so far. 7 weeks in...


    Obsessed with nutrition. always tweaking things but feeling good! 

    What chemo number 1 was like for me.

    A daily diary of chemo 1,2&3.
