The Alpine Job - In Aid of MacMillan Cancer Support

  • Run Completed!

    My last post said that the run car was ready having past its MOT, well sadly just a week later the gearbox exploded and took the rest of the engine with it. A hasty rebuild started but with just days before the run taking place it was decided that the only thing that could be done in such a short space of time was to use a substitute vehicle. Fortunately I had one but was never intended to be used so a very short notice…
  • MOT Passed!


    Well Peggy, as she has become known passed her MOT successfully yesterday after many months of hard work despite my damaged back as a result of the car accident I had back in January. There were only two minor things that need seeing to which can be easily fixed before the run next month!

  • ...and now a short message from our Sponsor.

    I’m really pleased that The South Lake Mini Centre have agreed to sponsor me and are offering me a spares package to help me in my endeavours and fundraising for Macmillan. Thanks guys! (Ed)
  • Sponsorship News


    I had a very welcome email last night from a company that is willing to support my run to Switzerland. Although it is not a finacial contribution, they will be providing spare parts for the car, for the run should any breakdown occur. They are also promoting the run on thier website with links and blog, in exchange for advertising thier company on the side of the car throughout the run.

  • Doing some little jobs..


    I had some little jobs to do on the car that I could do without putting my back out after the accident. Did some cosmetic stuff really by putting on some badges and a engine cover and re-did the thermostat gasket.