EC chemotherapy

1 minute read time.

Last Thursday, 25th January, was my last session of EC chemotherapy. I am hoping I don't need anymore chemotherapy because I have had terrible side effects from this and the previous Paciltaxil which I was having weekly but was halted after 8 weeks, due to peripheral neuropathy.

The care from the hospital has been fantastic, but I've been very poorly for a week following each dose of EC. I've not been sick, but I have felt sick and been in bed for most of each day. The taste of food can only be described as 'furry' and there have been times when I've not wanted to eat. I've been drinking soda water with cucumber and mint leaves in this last week as I've had so much sugar over the last few months. I have terrible bowel problems, although that could be from the neuropathy from the Paciltaxil which has affected my gut. 

I'm hoping to start feeling better prior to my operation on the 28th February. A physio visited today as my legs are so weak. I'm disappointed that this wasn't addressed sooner as I feel I don't have enough time to regain enough strength before the operation. I've also had my second B12 injection as I was found to be deficient, so I'm hoping that will make some difference to nerve repair and fatigue. 

  • I'm so sorry to read you have had such a hard time with your EC and Pax chemo. Hope all goes well with your operation in February. I feel very lucky with how I have been so far with EC, I'm notblooking forward to Pax, but have had my op pre chemo. Sending hugs x

  • Thank you. I saw your blog and thought maybe I should write something. It's interesting to see how different areas approach treatment differently. I hope you don't have the peripheral-neuropathy as it is very debilitating. Not everyone gets it, but make your nurse aware if you get symptoms. Best wishes on your journey. 

  • Good luck with the op. Chemo upset my digestion pretty badly towards the end of a 3 month cycle prior to Christmas and again during my on-going chemo-radiotherapy course. I ended up in the acute medical unit on Tuesday and the chemo has now been stopped; the radio is continuing (8 sessions of 25 to go)  My digestion is so much better now. I do have neurotrophy too - can't feel the toes in my left foot. It's a tough old thing this cancer treatment!   Good to hear that the hospital staff are so good, I can't fault the care I am receiving.