Thanks for the laughs. we can still have them

1 minute read time.

hello once again. Two days ago i buried a friend andmentioned about my terminal ill mum i was sad and very low and some of you replied i am so greatfull. today i started to consider getting help and that made me sad and another feeling of self loath.

however i discussed issues with my aunt and she reasured me i am doing my mum proud. so iam going to ask for mum some respite care so they can sort out her meds and hydration out which gives me a small break and a chance to recharge my battries and i feel i am doing the right thing for us both.

You people made me see. without me mum has nothing left so if i faulter mum suffers. in the end and thats what i am trying to protect her from(suffering) then this very evening i went to the chat room and spoke to the night shift (eleven onwards) i enjoyed the light heartedness of it all and ended up having a good old belly laugh with a few others, beckybecky, traceymarie,kev and fizz and a few others it was fantastic and i felt among friends. there was concern for fizz in hospital and jokes about stupidity and good natured banter.

bless tracymarie she needs a influx of chocci biscuits as we all want to go for tea or was it becky???? see it does not matter we are all fighting with cancer and this site is special like ALL who go on it.

Thanks to you all i see carers matter on here just as much as patients we are one together. Those on the night shift THANKS you made a sad twinks a happy twinks even if it was for one night. c u all tomorrow night



  • FormerMember
    Hi twinks, Just read your blog, I think you are absolutely doing the right thing, getting you mums hydration and meds sorted will not only be beneficial to her but to you also. Please don't feel self loath for asking for help. As you said it will also give you a chance to recharge your batteries which makes life better for you and your mum. As we all were saying in the chat room, it takes a very special person to be able to be a carer for someone. Whether its a relative, friend or parent. I believe it can be just as hard being a carer as it a patient. Like I said people like you are worth their weight in gold xx I didn't know this site existed until a couple of months ago, and being a cancer patient myself when I found it, it was like a breath of fresh air. I can be my old self again....not that I'm really old lol... I found my sence of humour again realising having cancer isnt all doom and gloom when you have friends around you that actually understand and care, you can still have a laugh. For the few hours I'm on here I can actually relax and have a good ol belly laugh. We all can share not only our anxieties but humour to. Having made some very good friends on here I know that I'm never alone. Someone is always willing to listen and help where possible. Carers and patients unite sharing they're stories. Everyone is equal no one is better than the next person. I like that! I love the night shift as you put it lol..... We always have a lot of banter going on, keeping our hearts light and fluffy. I'm so pleased we all made a sad twinks happy. If that's the only thing we achieved tonight then it was worth while coming online :). It was me who said come for tea hahaha I've got choccy biscuits for all as long as you all only have one each..... Not that I don't like sharing lol..... Well twinks, I think your mum must be so proud to have a daughter that cares so much about her like you do. Getting her sorted will make both your lives a little easier. Keep up the good work sweetie!! Hopefully see you online tomorrow night. Take care Lots of love Becky XxxxxxxxxxxxX