Testicular cancer , our experience as a family

5 minute read time.

Hi there , this is my husband ,Stephens story so far .......... At the start of this year my husband started complaining of a pain in his left testicle , at this point he didnt really feel a lump as such , like other people do , it was more that his testicle was the same size as the other but had become rock hard . Like most people , you dont think that it will be anything sinister , so we waited a few weeks , while life takes over and you get on with everyday life and raising three children and running a business. Anyway in the middle of march , as stephens testicle had got larger (probably by this point  about the size of a large egg and as I have said before , rock hard ) . Stephen was becoming more uncomfortable and coming out in terrible sweats ( we have since learned , that this was probably caused by a change in stephens hormones), At the end of March Stephen consulted a doctor who thought  it was probably an infection , 4 doses of anti biotics later and Stephens testicle even bigger again and we were no further forward . At this point the doctor consulted the urology department at our local hospital , Stephen was sent for an ultra sound , the results came back inconclusive ! ! Inconclusive , I dont know if we were just meant to accept this . Stephen went back to the doctors again , no matter what the problem was Stephens testicle was now the size of an orange and he couldnt carry on like this , he could not stand for long , couldnt wear denims and was in constant discomfort . The doctor once again contacted the urology department and we were given an urgent referral appointment ......8 weeks later . At the start of August after another ultra sound stephen was finally diagnosed with testicular cancer . Even though you know there is a chance you still cant believe it when they say that word . Its all the emotion , telling the kids , telling the family and your friends , and you feel almost apologetic as you tell people ,so that they will not feel so bad , Two days later Stephen went in for surgery to have his testicle removed  and a prosthesis put in .  He was a bit sore and tired but all in all the surgery  was a great success , no infection , stitches healed well . While in hospital Stephen was given a ct scan , the results came back that showed the cancer had spread to Stephens lymph nodes in his abdomen and his lungs . scared at this point , but Stephen so determined and posititve. We attended the Beatson in Glasgow the following week for our first appointment , we were told here that Stephen is good prognosis and would be getting 3 cycles of BEP chemotherapy , each cycle lasting 21 days . Stephen still really positive , hardly shed a tear , unless we talk about the kids, myself , I google everything , so knew all about the side effects etc. . One of my other findings was the affect bleomycin had on your lungs , Stephen has asthma and is a keen football coach and the long term damage to your lungs from bleomycin really concerned us . On the day we were to go to the Beatson we expressed our concerns to Stephens doctor , and after a lung function test , that showed stephens lungs were pretty good , we were given the option to choose between 3 cycles of BEP or 4 cycles of EP , we opted for EP , dont see the point in taking any chances . Stephens time in hospital would be 4 days , 3 night stay . After having a hearing test this has changed again , Stephens hearing wasnt the best  so the doctors have decided to dilute the potency of the EP and administer it over 6 days and 5 nights , this will be harder on us all , we are a very close family,  but we know its for the best . Stephen has now gone through his first cycle of chemotherapy ,it started on the 1/9/11 , his positivity is what keeps us going everyday  , he is a wonderful man .During Stephens first chemo , I would say the worst thing for him was insomnia and so emotional , he cried at everything , He hated being linked up to the machine but knew it was necessary . Stephen came home last sunday , 4/9/11 . During this last week Stephen has been up and down , he tries to be his usual , very funny dad and loving husband , but struggles , he hardly slept and would be up and down all night , he developed a horrendous cough , by thursday night into friday morning Stephen became so unwell , on the friday I contacted Stephens named nurse Nicola ( I am not particularly religious , but , I do actually think god picked her  especially  to do her job , she is such an amazing nurse and support ) . Stephen had a really mucussy chesty cough and a temperature of 38 , Nicola wanted stephen admitted right away . Friday the 9th of September '11 Stephen is admitted again to the Beatson with a nasty chest infection , the doctors told Stephen if he had waited another 24 hours or opted for the bleomycin then his situation would have been alot more serious . stephen responded really well to the intravenous antibiotics ,and his blood count is on the way up so that is good , hopefully he will be really strong for when the second  lot of chemo starts on the 22nd of september .We have a wee check up appointment on tuesday , so hopefully all will be well .

The Beatson , what a remarkable place , I cant speak highly enough . Its full of life experience and its like being part of a club that you would rather not be part of , but what a close knit club it is .... for every person we have  met and will meet as we go along this journey , we offer our love , best wishes and thanks for all that we experience with you as we go through this together . To anyone that reads this and it helps them or they can help us , I thankyou and wish you all the very best . I will keep this up dated , love to you and yours .... Heather ( Stephens proud wife )

  • FormerMember

    Hi Heather

    I'm so sorry to hear your news and hugs to you Stephen and your children. This roller coaster never stops and I hope for you there are more ups then downs. He sounds like a fighter and i'm sure with your loving support he will continue to do so. I hope Stephen is feeling better after his infection.

    Take care

    Tiggs x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Heather,

    Yes its some place the Beatson I spent 6 weeks going up from Prestwick every morning and coming home later on that day.But it was the old Beatson then. I was given 3 yrs to live but here I am still hanging about.  Every now and then there will be a hiccup

    but you get used to these things.  Good luck to Stephen

    to you and the Family. Hope it all turns out ok.  Look after eachother. Welcome to the Mac Family.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx