Testicular Cancer - my journey

  • PET scan and results


    It was up to the RM in Sutton again on Friday 17th for the PET scan. Read the leaflets and they seemed to suggest the scan itself would take 30-90 minutes - sounded like fun!.

    So, checked in to the special ward at RM and was called in within minutes - very efficient. A nice male nurse escorted my wife and I to a room with a bed and a chair in it, via the weighing machine again (had a few beers at the weekend so think I…

  • A day trip to the Royal Marsden


    After much hi jinks with trying to get an appointment with Prof Nicol at Royal Marsden, with my lovely wife chasing up multiple doctors to try to get me something as early as possible, she eventually received a phone call from Prof Nicol's secretary at 5.30pm on Thursday asking if we could make an appointment in Sutton at 9.30 am on Friday!! Apparently the Prof was due to go away for 2 weeks and they wanted to get me…

  • A third way?


    Bit of an update. Went to see the oncologist on Wednesday having been given the choice of BEP or heightened risk of secondary cancer. Anyway, oncologist had spoken to his colleagues at Royal Marsden and he strongly suggested a third option, which felt like a logical compromise.

    the third option was to effectively replace the radiotherapy with surgery, a "limited template lymph node dissection" - basically to get rid of…

  • 3 month monitoring - bit of a setback


    So following more blood tests and CT scan I went back for my 3 month check up with the oncologist. 

    Unfortunately, the lymph node near the kidney that he was worried about (and was the reason for the 3 month (rather than 6 month) checkup) had grown from 8mm to 24mm - proof of spread. Really pleased he set the follow up to 3 months as now I guess we're 3 months ahead of the game.

    Immediate recommendation was a bag of…

  • Critical Illnes cover - great news


    Not much to add in terms of the TC as have follow up at end of March, so booked a blood test with GP for 2 weeks before, and get CT scan on the day (apparently). 

    Had some amazing news in the meantime as Aviva confirmed last week that they would pay out on my critical illness cover!! Although it's not enough to clear my substantially mortgage, it will be enough for us to get our house extended and gain a bedroom for the…