Pre-Op tests and operation hi jinks

2 minute read time.

So next step, 5th May and a trip to the Royal Marsden in London for a midday appointment for some pre-op tests. Still no date for the operation at the time of the appointment, which was annoying, assumed they would give me a date on the day. Eventually found the right ward and they took more blood (to check liver and kidney function and white blood cell/blood group), blood pressure test and lung capacity test (blow into a tube as hard as you can). 

Aced the lung capacity test, and BP was totally average. Then went in to see another nurse to answer some questions and have an ECG test, and swab for MRSA. They all seemed a little uninformed about what procedure i was having, I showed them the letter sent to my GP by RM - partial lymph node dissection etc. Bearing in mind they didn't know what procedure I was even having, they obviously didn't have any dates for the procedure, although the nurse said I had a 'breach date' on their system of 11 May - which, she explained, is the date they should be targeting under NHS guidance for swift treatment. Seeing as that was less than a week away I couldn't see that happening!

Anyway, bloods all good, ECG fine, so no worries on that score. All good to leave. 

On our way out of the building we bumped into Prof Nicol, who would be performing the operation. First time I had seen or spoken a doctor since 10 April, before my PET scan. Had a snatched conversation which completely threw us. 

Firstly, he mentioned that apparently I had agreed to take part in a clinical trial for the anaesthetist - this was news to me! Said I knew nothing, and would need more info first. Second surprise: Looked like the operation was being booked for the end of May. Just under 4 weeks away! This seemed like a long time, bearing in mind there had been such a rush to get me referred and then get scans done etc. was obviously concerned about the impact this might have on the potential spread and chances of having to have full BEP after the operation. He said he would have a chat with his colleague -Dr Maher. 

Surprise number three: looks like they're thinking about two rounds of carboplatin rather than the standard single bag. Still lighter than BEP, but more than expected nonetheless! This could still change after biopsy anyway, so it's best guess for now.

Anyway, a bit frustrating that this all happened in a corridor as didn't really have the chance to interrogate him about any of this to the extent that we would have done in a consulting room. Still, that was that, went on and had a stroll through Knightsbridge and had dinner before getting a late train back to the coast. As 'C' days go, not a bad one.
