When Worlds Collide... GCs and MPs...

3 minute read time.

Hey I think this one might be really short (faint swooon) there's a novelty for you! This is about tomorrow really but first:

Today I blew my bag off!

Literally... too many beans and lentils and that and a stomach ache all week culminated in Little My just stepping out of the staffroom to go to her first lesson of the day when... grumble grumble parp! and she blew her bag off... !! diarrhoea and all ! It was quite spectacular and of course her sausages got so excited they popped out to have a look at the event too. (sorry if you were eating your dinner, but I was impressed i have to say... wow! Never knew you could do that... or ewwww depending if you are a scatophile or not)

Try explaining that to a class of 16 year olds who are wondering why you are late for their lesson....

Anyway, that was today.  Oh I forgot. Something else... I had a long talk with my boss about my idiot colleagues and he was talking about fighting and do we die fighting (big metaphor type stuff) and I said, well it might be a bit more literal in my case cos depending on how this cancer lark goes,  I may just die fighting (and not in the metaphorical sense) and if I do, then I want to make sure I am bothering to fight the right fight and not waste my time on rubbish and then I told him Hilary's spoon theory thingy and said that sitting in stupid meetings with those idiots cost me a spoon or two and was it worth it... ?and I was thinking what I could use that spoon for instead such as fighting a battle worthy of  a spoon...

Suffice to say... He got the message and something will be done about them  you will be glad to hear. ...

Now tomorrow... is surreal and a collision of worlds... I wrote something once before (as did sunny) about these other worlds we inhabit... the cancer 'patient' world and the other world of work and non cancer and all that and how we lead double lives sometimes and  tomorrow is a wonderful concatonation of events!

I go to the cancer hospital tomorrow for my check up with GC. (I am just a little nervous of course cos who wouldn't be when you go every 4 weeks to see if its growing or not...) I am hoping the will say all is ok and I get to stay away for longer than 4 weeks  at a time now.... and that they have written to the surgeon about the operation  cos I still haven't heard yet. But not too fussed as long as its not bad news cos seeing GC's shiny face is a bit of a treat on a dull day... just wish you didn't have to pay with blood.... hmmm anyway...  So I get up and go off on the long drive for blood tests and for GC to stick his finger up my arse and the ouch sorry conversation we always have and all that fun stuff.... Oh and the new thrill of will it be FC or GC ooooh! Place your bets...

Rolos at the ready either way...

And then I get in my car and drive straight to a posh  'do' where I have to make small talk with Estelle Morris (!) and other MPs and the Mayor and such people at a grand opening thing to do with our school. (Somewhere inbetween i have to get changed cos I don't really want to turn up to GC in a posh frock ha ha... or maybe i should... snigger snigger... Hiyaaaaah gorgeous...!!  what's that noise? Oh its GC running for his life.... )

If she asks me what I have been doing today... . I am soooo tempted to say Having a finger shoved up my arse to see if my tumour is growing again or not.

We got a list of things to don't say to dignitaries... there was no mention of arses and cancer on there........

If I have not been arrested, see you tomorrow night my dears

Weird day here we come... and there has to be a blog out of tomorrow eh?

Little Myx

ps certain friends of mine are having a jolly rotten time of it  so the gin is out today.... chin chin my dears....

  • FormerMember

    Short? You call that short? Good luck for tomorrow, they've stopped shoving their finger up mine now :)

  • FormerMember

    Oops, forgot to say, I'd have liked to see the bag blowing off and the sausages.

  • FormerMember

    Oops, forgot to say, I'd have liked to see the bag blowing off and the sausages.

  • FormerMember

    Oh good luck with the GC's and the MP's fun day for you then. I'll pass on the gin(Ugh) but will have a vodka for your friends xx

  • FormerMember

    Good luck for tomorrow, my love. Well, good luck all the time, but special support (which it sounds as though your poor baggie could do with - baggie + truss = ???) on Extra Serious Days.

    Both GC and FC must know by now that if they didn't have the very best results for you, they would have the wrath of Warped on their heads. All those poo bags PLUS Odin Allfather PLUS all your imaginary friends-and-relations ... yeah, they'd better know what's good for them.

    Another good use of spoons might be shoving them up your various colleagues' arses ...?

    *all the hugs* (hugs are self-regenerating, so there will always be more to share)
