the non-rebel returns in one piece (almost!)

4 minute read time.

After all those fanstasitc replies and wishes and being with me, thought I had better get on and let you know how it went!

Well, having you lot with me really helped no end and I giggled in the car the whole way there thinking of saying right you arses.... instead of filling my bag so that was a good start...

They were late arriving and it went on for 4hours!!!!! and as it was wrapping up I said to them, I have to go now or I will vomit on the table and I wasn't joking! My head was splitting and it did remind the silly invincible side of me why I am still signed off sick... anyway won't go into all the gory details as it is very boring but here's a bit of  a summary....

I just didn't dare say the 'right you arses' phrase though I did say it to another fun colleague before I went in and got her giggling so the laughs are spreading.... I used the Oh really!!!! hooray!

Started off not too badly, but they were going on and on about the same thing for the first hour so  with the confidence of you lot behind me, I argued my point. One of them said I totally disagree, ( oh no), one said I agree,(hooray)  the other silent...too laid back, can't be bothered to think type... (idiot) (others are there to help process along one way or another) so I argue again, so no2 then changes his mind and agrees with no1 (oh no) and no 3 still sitting saying nothing! (idiot)Others start chipping in and even the ones who are meant to be there to support me start having a go at me (really oh no) and  I'm starting to get cross but remembering you lot all saying go get em girl and think I can't let you lot down, You've got enough to deal with without me messing things up for you too... so I stick to my guns and think what the F*** I'm not going to cave in.... then after lots more heated discussion, no2 shouts at me 'everyone in the room can see how this is ok except for you!!' Normally, i would have crumbled at this point and backed down BUT thanks to my Maccy friends... I say Oh really! (and inwardly laughing at saying f.... off to him) and wonder of wonders... my boss who has just walked in at this point says, "actually I don't see it either and we need to listen to her and you need to justify what you are saying and if you want to argue that side, then I need a written statement from you of how that would work and what it entails etc etc "GET IN!! (this is the boss who was in what I call the "she's dead camp" and hasn't said anything to me for months but I love him now!) So those two then get in a row and I WON THE ARGUMENT!!! AND IT IS ALL DOWN TO YOU LOVELY PEOPLE! So actually, well done, you won the argument... I was confident from the support from you and inwardly laughing from the silliness and had Sunny's words in my head of remember you know and stick to your guns.... way hay! So you lot are responsible for giving 52 teenagers a lovely start to their day next year- well done and I am sure they will thank you! Anyway, I only lost 2 points that I never thought I would win...though I am not letting them go either... i even got no1 who really doesn't like or respect me to laugh at one point, and I didn'te ven have to flash my boxers at although my head now feels like it is going to explode with all that thinking and arguing, and my bum hurts from sitting on a hard chair for too long (even with a cushion)  I got through it and feel better for it and its down to you lot so well done, guys- good meeting  (was a little crowded in there with you lot)

Anyway here's a silly to make you laugh... I hadn't signed my self certification form for the first week I was off ages ago. I saw our administrator today and she said you need to fill this in. When is says reason, it was the week I was having appointments, scans etc so i said to her what do I put? She has a great sense of humour too and  said I don't know, put 'busy' or something ha ha. Don't know if you have ever read Winnie the Pooh but if you have, you will get this one... I wrote 'bisy bakson' on it and handed it in. (busy, back soon) She's going to frame it she says....

Will probably remember more later, but off to have a cup of tea now and no fag! Sunny and Madge, have one for me will you? Sunny- if they ever tell me its terminal, I can tell you now the first thing I would do is go and buy some ciggies so have one for me- like I say what's it going to do.... ;-) 

Love you all

Little My

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little my,

    You done it youself, you gave yourself a kick up the Arse

    and said Im not taking any shite from this lot. You won

    because You wanted to. More power to your, no Im not going to say Arse again. Well done.!!!!!!!!"

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for that, Sarsfield! I would say a true gent, but with comments like that...errr.... reminds me of Father Ted- ever seen it? Feck Arse!

    And don't you go telling my mates I'm a head banger cheeky s*d!

    Little Myx