THe Big Move (including things that shouldn't ha ha)

3 minute read time.


I am sat in the staffroom with my laptop and pretending to look busy and studious. Guess I did well managing 3 days without you all....

This is going to have to be short cos I am at work and can't type for long (hoorah you lot say)

What bugs me is I can't see what you lot have been up to or say hi to most of you without going through some long rigmarole of looking up each of you individually. Ho hum.

So, the big move.....

Actaully for Little My and her chaotic life, it went very smoothly. The only things that got broke were a bowl and me. ha ha.

Nice removal men turned up early (!) worked their socks off drank lots of tea and shifted everything from our crazy house on a vertical hill to our dirty bungalow.

P and the cats were safely ensconsed in the new house to clean and Little My came back to the old house to help the men. Pulling out cupboards, there were lots of scary spiders and dust balls and it seems all those mice we thought the cats had killed were actually living it up with the moths under the bookcases.... So Little My starts to clean and move some boxes etc to help and (you know what is coming I didn't!)

Hmmm baggy feels a bit sore... Better have a look. Oh dear. Seems baggy has been telling the intestines crowd tales of what the world looks like as he can now see outside the bowels of the body and they are getting jealous and want to have a look and move house  too.... so they popped out to say hi and have a look at the house with no furniture in and the spiders...

So, today of all days, I can't go to a hospital so what do I do. Removal men are shouting up the stairs where do you want this etc and Little My is on the phone to the stoma nurse saying my intestines are hanging out what do I do? No answer- gone on holiday. I poked them back in (euch) and then alternative nice nurse who is standing in for dippy nurse phoned and it was a bit like one of those disaster films where they talk an idiot down flying a plane... so she talked me down what to do and told me that I wasn't to lift anything at all ever etc for at least 2 weeks and if I did as she said I might get away without going to hospital etc... Grrrr.

So Little My who likes to do stuff etc has to stand and watch and direct people and not move anything at all aaarrrggghhh!

And I know, I know, you told me so and all that...  and P keeps shouting at me if I try and lift anything.

So we are in the house. It has 50 years of nicotine stains on the walls and floors and ceilings and old lady lampshades etc but it will be lovely.

We didn't get a takeaway or drink gin, but we did go to the pub for dinner ha ha !

THe cats hid for a day behind a cardboard box despite the pheromones but are daring to come out now

No internet yet and I am looking at the light so I can talk to you lot more.

Everyone is coming in and asking me questions and my colleague has just come in and sat next to me and is looking to see what I am doing.... its getting tricky so gotta go....

Love you all lots and take care. I am reading and sympathising etc even if I can't comment

Love you, bug hug

Little My xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Right you!! Slapped wrists AND slapped legs from me!

    Now then, with that done, well done on coping and the nurse directing you but don't you DARE do that again!

    Ahem. :)

    So, dusty cats, mothy mice and ... BUSY removal men?! What a day!!

    SO very lovely to hear from you and next time sneak off to your made-of-baloons-office where they can't look over your shoulder! ;)

    Much Love and Hugs to you sweetpea xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Your insides can come outside?? Who knew? Little My you are a fount of unusual and sometimes horrendous information. And well done on poking the tricky little blighters back in, you are clearly made of stern stuff. I suspect I'd have been marginally less matter of fact. Good to hear from you and well done on the move, even if you did have to delegate and play the role of supervisor instead of getting stuck in! Love Vikki x

  • FormerMember

    Oh you lot reallly make me laugh! You are so funny.... Thanks for all the comments. My office made of balloons currently has no electricity or internet so having to still sneak on in the staffroom... will try again on Thursday but hoping internet may be ok by then.... in the meantime I am being a very good Little My and not being a sausage factory or wrestling snakes etc and getting people to carry my bags for me etc.

    could be a good biology lesson eh?

    Big hugs to you all


  • FormerMember

    hi my loon,

      when are you going to learn to listen to baggy. got a good idea get yourself a conductors baton, stand on a chair an direct everyone, found it works well if you play fantasia in the background.

       Seriously settle your self P has a good right to shout, hope things settle down at work and the bungalow. big hugs and love joe xx.

      p.s on my 2nd chemo so blog more when up to it

     p.p.s ruby says if you want your mice caught get a border terrier, they much better and funny too x

  • FormerMember

    Ouch! Sounds a bit traumatic. I haven't been around much recently so am just catching up on everyone now. I'm just glad that you're still in one piece and everything is moved. I hope you have the sense to listen to what you've been told and lay off doing anything more strenuous than lifling a cup, or a glass!

    Mags hasn't been well this last couple of weeks so we've got an emergency appt at the hospital today for a check, but I'll be looking in later to catch up with everyone.

    Be a sensible Little My and behave yourself!

    Love you, Ann x