Sunday embarrassment...don't read while eating!

5 minute read time.

Hi there,

Not sure I will do this every day and might just end up being silly on our new thread which you are so welcome to join... it 's called.. Oh for goodness sake, what has happened to my memory??? Sorry, that's not the name at all ha ha I can't bleedin remember anything anymore since I started this effing cancer lark... it really REALLY  bugs me... still forging on, i'll go and find out and be back in a mo...

Hope you are impressed... I opened up a new tab and had a look there- still got some brains somewhere ;) Right, its actually called:

"For those of you with a warped sense of humour Warning no punches pulled" and its in the chat forum. hope I got that right.. feel free to join us there for silly irreverence... but its really not for the easily offended or faint hearted... somewhere for us who need to laugh our way through the bad stuff to do so...

Anyway, back to today. Part of me is reeling from the news and so so shocked and sad about what happened in Norway yesterday. Being a Scandinavian myself it is a bit too close to home for comfort.... Although I am Swedish, Norway is next door really and I have a lot of Norwegian friends...  Was meant  to be flying to Oslo in a few week's time but changed the flight direct to Sweden as I currently don't have the energy to then get the ferry etc ... too much sadness in the world...Ok, had to get that off my chest and now to the silly stuff...

This one might take some explaining as we go along so bear with me if you can.... As I said yesterday, brambles are threatening to make me prisoner in my house and no prince is coming to hack them away, so I went out to do my cancer stereotype duty and do some gardening... though its more like armed warefare out there  than a bit of light pruning!! Anyway, it wore me out in no time and the sun actually came out so sat on the wall for a rest and this is when the' Little My's embarrassing things to do today' no 1 happened..... We have just got a new neighbour- nice lady, on her own with 2 teenage daughters, lots of screaming at eachother, door slamming etc... but seems nice enough. My other half is just as blunt as me so he had already broken the ice by telling her I had cancer... she asked if it was ok if she could leave her car in front of our garage on the day she moved in while she was sorting stuff out (single track lane) so my P says to her, yeah that's fine I don't drive and my wife (so sweet he says wife even though we are not married) has got cancer and can't drive at the moment so park away... Usually deadly embarrassed silence! At least I don't think he told her it was in my bum,( but he might well have..considering his Tshirt choices) I think we are still at the polite stage of over the garden chat to mention it... and after what follows she might never want to speak to me again to find out....

So the sun is out and i'm getting hot and sitting on the dividing wall and take my jumper off. Got a skinny vest on underneath which is fine, but what I forgot is my bag!! I need to explain further a bit here... sod's law my stoma is sited just on my waist band so I either have to do a Simon Cowell with the high waisters and look like a complete prat, or I do the teenage hipster thing which is more comfortable for me and let the bag hang out over my jeans. Today i am doing the hipster... so my bag is dangling nicely over my jeans. No problem as my jumper covers it and it is a covered over one so you can't see inside anyway even if my jumper slips up

aahh.... now .remember I am losing my memory.....and I have forgotten that  I don't have my jumper on and things were a bit sore this morning so I put a see through bag on to check what was going on.... so there's me sitting on the wall and the new neighbour comes over to say hi and introduce herself and we get over the embarrassing first bit of 'you look well' etc and her not wanting to mention the scary c word and I'm trying to do the poite new neighbour bit when all I'm doing really is looking longinly at her fag she is smoking and wishing I didn't have cancer so i could smoke one too..... and then I realise she has gone a bit of a funny green colour and she is looking down rather than at my face and her words are trailing off..... and then I remember that part of the reason I am feeling a bit sore is cos I was stupid and  had a curry last night and it all comes rushing back.. the no jumper, the see through bag... I don't need to say anymore do I??? So, (you'll be impressed with this one) a quick - Oh look at the buzzard flying up there... and a quick pull of the vest and jumper on and pretending nothing happened and wishing it wasn't so hot and I wasn't also getting hot flushes too (another side effect )so sweating at this point and trying to keep my dignity I then make my excuses and come in.... bet she is glad we are moving soon!  Think I pulled it off eh?? Can see the funny side of it now...... hope it makes some of you giggle too...

I am moving from the middle of nowhere with only one neighbour to the town with lots of people and neighbours... I don't even have curtains here cos no one is around.... Want to lay bets on how many people I can embarrass in  my first week in my new house? Wait for it.. it also backs onto the local school's playing fields... remind me to get curtains won't you :-)

Anyway, I have made you all gold medals for reaching the end of yesterday's and a chocolate one specially for Madge... so line up nicely to collect them....

More endurance medals going for this one too... leave a comment and you'll get one xxx

lots of love and hope you had a lovely Sunday yourselves....

Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi My little

     Glad to see you have got a 'sense of humour'.  Your next neighbour should be eternally grateful that she has escaped the big C.  You never know whats around the corner, and she may experience it from someone close, a think back of you.

    I got my treatment plan last thurs 21st july, and I am having chemo and rt together.  I have to have a Hickman line inserted into my chest under anasethic (they cut into your chest and attach the thin tube into your vein at side of your lung, and then stitch you up.  The other end is attached to a plastic bottle called a Baxter Ambulator which has a pump inside to pump the chemo around your body.  I have to wear this around my waist 24/7 until it is empty.  Then it re-filled for another week.

     Chemo doc says I won't have need to use a colostomy, due to type of treatment. But, if I as op I would.  This is why they cannot op due to alien being too close to my vagi wall.  This would cause too many other probs too.


  • FormerMember

    Oops, a bit more than your slip showing there Little My!  Poor woman has probably been traumatised, but hey, your the one having to live with the bloody thing, so she's got off lightly!  At the very least after seeing that, I would expect her to be round every afternoon with a tray of cookies or home-made scones.  

    The first time I saw a stoma, during my nurse training, I was fascinated and thought it very clever.  But then, 'normal' people don't tend to go into nursing!  

    Your story reminded me a bit of a day out I had with the girls a few years ago.  We were waiting on a train home and I was on one of my bad days where I was missing the fags, so went into the nearby shop to buy chewing gum.  

    It was when I came out the girls started laughing hysterically and pointed out that my shirt had come unbuttoned.  At that point I realised why the guy in the shop had looked at me kinda funny and been avoiding eye contact.  It wasn't just a button, it was 3 buttons and I had been flashing my bra, complete with contents, for him to appreciate.  Nowadays if that were to happen, nobody would see anything, as it can all be tucked safely away into my waistband!

    I'm off to see what you've been up to on the 'warning' thread.

    Lots of love - and many laughs!

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Ha, you made me giggle! The woman is probably still sat at her kitchen table drinking strong tea with shaky hands. If she has the nerve to approach you again, I dare you to introduce your bag to her by name, "I was so rude last time, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Little My and this is my close friend Baggy". It'll either make  her laugh or finish her right off...

    Keep smiling funny lady, love Vikki xxx

  • FormerMember

    June, I'll reply to you in the anal cancer section so you see it...

    Oh VicolaW, I love it... I think I will do that... but maybe only when I've got the covered ones on...poor lady she wasn't meaning to be rude, just a bit taken aback.... and it wasn't a pretty site....

    Ann- tucked into your waistband! that's a classic... love it too and the story...

    another funny start to the day- thank you!

    Medals being made- amyone else owning up to getting this far want one??

    Little My xxxx

  • FormerMember

    lol at vicolaw.  

    ive been trying to get to your blog to read the sunday thread since you mentioned it in the warning thread so glad you have a sense of humour and i probably wouldnt have even covered it up or put my jumper etc on id be a see it get used to it puke if you need to kind of person.

    like others have said they have to feel lucky they havent got to go through all this like you have to