rebel no more part 2

2 minute read time.

Morning all,

Still haven't got the hang of this blog business so not sure how to reply to you all so doing it this way... let me know if I'm doing it wrong...

Anyway, firstly i want to say that you are all such amazing lovely people in Mac land... you feel a bit crap and dribble on in public and then think silly girl why did you do that, and all these people send you love and hugs and good advice and stupid comments and make you laugh! I can't believe anyone would even want to read it....You are wonderful and given me the confidence to face the day today...

So, I would flash my knickers but I am currently still having to wear my partner's boxer shorts ha ha (slight problem of lack of skin in placesand bloomers being out of fashion) so don't think that would be very exciting for anyone though it would be funny trying to explain why you missed your clinic appoimtment.. well you see I was on this website and someone suggested flashing my knickers... and I thought what the heck.. and then there was this policeman who didn't see the funny side..... and so....ha! I can just hear my consultant now just saying... WHY?

John, I'm with you at the mo- can only remember chocolate too... don't want to get you too excited but had a whole bag of maltesers last night !

My brother also suggested developing Tourettes after I had my op to pass the day as well as bursting into song very loudly. Didn't dare but  did manage to persuade the old lady in the bed next to me to have a competition with me to see who could shout out cock the loudest without getting caught! God, did she make me giggle listening to her trying that one out at visiting time....

Got this dreaded meeting this morning, but I have to say with the wonderful support of you lot (I'm taking you all in with me) I think I'll be fine. I have got my right you lot, phrase ready and my OH really one which still makes me giggle when I think about it  (see dumb things thread if not sure what that is) and I have re-read all the silly irreverent stuff in the dumb things forum and Sunny's lovely advice and all of yours and picturing Madge with her chocolate bars and ...really sorry- can't remember all your names and can't see them while writing this but got you all there with silly thoughts of swearing and sex and chocoate- blimey what are we like???)  So lets go and kick some ass as they say somewhere! I know I will say something inappropriate and they will say something dumb so reckon there are a few posts to get out of this meeting if nothing else to keep the rest of you worth going on that front I reckon.... so wish me luck and I'd better get up and go. Will let you know how I get on  later if I'm still in one piece! I bet it is all lovely and civilized and I was worrying about nothing - yeah right!

Love you all- you really have given me the confidence to get up and to it today so thank you thank you thank you.... will try and make you giggle in return...

Anyone got a fag I can bum off them?? ;)

Little Myxxx

  • FormerMember

    Good luck with the meeting and remember, if they give you any grief, flash 'em your boxers, I guarantee they'll stop speaking! xxx

  • FormerMember

    If you need a fag, I'm still smoking.  I can even smoke it for you, as I'd hate you to get lung cancer too!

    Like you, I think I should stop for the sake of making the treatment more effective, but while the mind is willing, the flesh is weak.  I really admire your willpower.

    I know you'll be fine this morning, the thought usually is worse than the deed, but I will be looking out for you writing up the highlights.  Have a fabulous day.

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Go girl, go!  Fancy teaching that poor old lady bad habits!  Well, I'm quite an old lady compared to you and I bet I can say COCK much louder than you can.  My favourite swear word is actually bollocks!  Something quite satisfying about that word, whatever it means. :0\

    I could roll you a fag if you really want one - I've even got tips - but I wouldn't recommend it.  I'm so proud of you for giving it up and I wish I could follow your example.  Steer clear of those dirty old things and stick to the choccie!  My brother brought me a box of Thornton's yesterday and they're already half gone but I'd pass them all over to you if I thought it would help.

    We may not be there in body, but I'm sure there are quite a few people who are with you in spirit right now.  I for one be sending you vibes to keep you strong.

    Don't forget to update us later.

    Lots of love and *hugs* and chocolate kisses, Madge x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    little my

    u go get em in the meeting an say whatever u want...maybe your word "cock" can make an appearance...wonder what dr would make of that

    thinking of u and keep us all posted

    wendie xx