Rebel no more.! (I remembered what no 3 was!)

1 minute read time.

If you read my first post, you will know I forgot number 3. Just remembered it so before I forget again... here it is.

I have always been a bit of a rebel and was a bit of a naughty so and so when younger- never hurt anyone or nasty, but lets just say I had a bit of mis-spent youth. As I have physically grown up (mentally lagging behind somewhat) most of my vices have trailed off and I became more of a good the point of dull! especially being a teacher meant toning down the silly hair and clothes etc too...  the one vice I had left and which I really love was smoking... now, having  cancer and smoking don't really go together do they and I could see the inevitable coming.... so after a few weeks of defiantly having a fag and saying to horrified friends, 'what's it going to do? give me cancer? oh no, got that already...' I knew I had to stop especially with an operation to get through before treatment and apparently smoking reducing the efectiveness of my radiotherapy.... and it being a carcinogen of course...and not quite that stupid to keep going with those odds.... so had my last beautiful and glorious cigaretter the day before my operation....

That's all ok and I can cope with it, the bit that bugs me is that smoking was my last vice and finger up at authroity/society/people telling me what to do- what ever you want to call it- they say its bad for you and the more they try to stop it, the more I stick my finger up and do it! So I now feel like a simpering good girl without a vice in the world and like I have finally given in to them....Don't know this makes sense to anyone out there at all but....  I need a new vice and a new way to metaphorically stick my finger up!  Assuming  I need to stay healthy as possible, so drink and drugs and fags are out.... any ideas?

Little My x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little My

    Loved your post.  Well done you for giving up smoking!  I've tried on numerous occasions and failed miserably.  

    Now, as to another vice, I can't think of anything better than CHOCOLATE!!!!!  Love it!  Love it!  Love it!  A girl's best friend, as far as I'm concerned.

    May I just say that you have a wonderful attitude and a great sense of humour.  I'm going to enjoy reading your blogs.  

    Lots of love and *hugs*, Madge x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks, Madge,

    Never managed before but as I say, you get to that stage where you really have no choice and then its possible- otherwise I would be puffing away still!

    will go and try eating chocolate- doesn't sound naughty enough yet but maybe I'm not eating enough ha ha. Do you know how I know when someone comments on your blog apart from just having to keep looking??

    Going to bed in a minute.. can't even manage a late night anymore- how rubbish is that?

    Love to you too Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    You could take up flashing your underwear at unsuspecting passersby?? Actually that might be illegal, possibly better not try that.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little My

    The only way I know of telling whether someone has posted on your Blog is to click on that particular Blog on the right hand side when your bring up your Profile.  But perhaps someone else knows different?  My brother calls me a Luddite because I'm not very computer savvy!

    Hope the chocolate does the trick.  Some people think it's better than S*X. :0)

    Lots of love, Madge x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi My Little,

    Yes an echo I know but loved the blog - look forward to the further naughty adventures of my little, well maybe not, after my hormone treatment that hits a bit too near home !!

    Not sure if Madge is right about chockie being better than sex - can only remember chockie so can't compare - lol  Take care sure if you try you will find a new vice lol

    Love and hugs xx

    John xx