reality check needed for a Little My who still doesn't know better

5 minute read time.

Ok deep breath and type out.... aaaahhhh, sniff the pheromones (trying not to kill Shaz and Madge with exhaustion!)

So, you know I am a nutter by now and I know and despite being asked to join mensa as a child, I am really really stupid when it comes to me and me being superwoman/ etc and live on stupid cloud cookoo land when it comes to health and thinking I can do anything etc...and my brain makes really stupid sometimes I need a slap and a reality check to actually get my head round things.... so this follows on from a thought at the end of yesterdays...

So feel free to  send me a  reality check comment at the bottom please..... unless of course I am right ha ha! (which I secretly think I am)

Firstly this is assuming Onc and scans etc are all going to say all is well... if he doesn't, then I am already prepared to sit around at home writing crap to you lot all day (bet you are praying its ok and not for that reason!!) so that's not a worry.....

Right,here's my thought process so far: with Reality Checks so far (RC)

 I get diagnosed with anal cancer- I laugh in your face cancer I say... bring it on and I'll knock the bl**dy thing into next week.....

We think it has spread to lymphs and liver...Ok, so I'm going to die.. better have some fun.. hope I can go to Sweden again.. start planning funeral etc.

Both inconclusive- will keep an eye on them and keep scanning etc... Oh that's them ok then...I laugh in your face cancer....

(I still swing between these 2 of course )

Tell boss I will hopefully work through treatment and most of it will happen in the holidays so should only miss the odd couple of weeks and I might be ok to still go on school trip a couple of weeks after treatment..(road trip driving round eurpoe with 21 sixteen year olds in 2 minibuses and I'm a driver) can i let him know about that? I know, I know... you can see where this is going...

(RC haven't been to work since before Easter)

Go into hospital to have stoma operation... see you in 2 days P for my birthday- should be able to drive us out for the night if its not late....

RC- 6 days later I'm let home and can barely do anything and can't drive and have boring birthday in hospital.

Consultant looks at me as if bonkers when I say can I work through this and can I drive myself here... 

RC-  no you can't work and technically you might be able to drive for a bit  if it were legal after your op, but you won't be able to sit down soon so might be a bit hard to get to the pedals when lying down on the back seat and please don't think of driving in when you get your picc put in! (he has a sense of humour thank goodness)

Friends offer to do a rota to drive me in the 90 mile round trip every day for 6 weeks of radiotherapy. Aw thanks, but probably won't need it much I say... maybe the last couple of weeks or if the chemo makes me too sick....

RC Friends drive me in every day and  I love them!

Consultant says 2 months to start to feel ok, a year to feel relatively normal

My brain goes.. 2 months back to normal...

Can't sit, walk, eat or sleep, on morphine... wondering if I should cancel the conference I am meant to be going to in 3 days time.... as  maybe I'll be ok enough by then to go....

RC cancel conference and me going on school trip...

on it goes...

only taking morphine at bed time and can walk down stairs not crawling.. and keep getting people saying 'oooh you look well' so I think they must be thinking I am well and should be back at work and will think I am a complete lightweight for not being there.... and tell P that I will be able to pack up the house while I'm sat around at home doing nothing...

RC friend tells me I'm being stupid and looking well is a relative statement and more of we are happy you are alive, not thinking you should be back at work

RC2 I go in for a few hours to say hi and sleep for 24 hours when I get home!

Radiologist- what are you doing about work she asks... oh its fine, I say, I'm a teacher so don't need to go back till Spetember so got the holidays..

RC have you thought of going part time? she says No I say thinking she is mad for even suggesting it.

RC out of breath taking cat to vets... book removal firm to pack house for us...

Think I willbe fine to  drive 7 hours to Glasgow  to see brother and to fly to Sweden

RC drive 2 hours to see son and have to stop 4 times on the way... friend tells me she will slash my tires if I even think about it... book train.

Still  thinking I should be fine to go straight back to work in September full time- thats ages away isn't it?

RCas you know from yesterday... friend tells me I am insane and tells my boss (she knows him) and he starts talking phased returns this morning and I promise I will ask consultant next week what he thinks and I'm thinking he will say why aren't you back at work now?? (I know I know) but promise I will ask him all the same....

Right, all ok so far - got it in my head that maybe I am being over optimistic again ( I know I told you I'm a bit slow at this) and phased return sounds good....but then Sunny mentions in a comment on my blog that maybe starting 2 half days a week and building up from there would be good !!!!!  and my idea of a phased return is mornings only for the first week, full days next week but no meetings and then full time by 3rd week!

RC ..... sort me out will you? Is it Sunny or me?

Thanks...  icecreams seem popular so 99's waiting in the freezer and extra flakes for Shaz and Madge cos they need it to ge this far... coffees for those that prefer or pheromones.. whatever rocks your boat

ps cats are soooooo chilled out its freaky!

Lots of love and hugs

Little My

Little Myxxx


  • FormerMember

    little my reality check. perhaps sometimes the teacher becomes the pupil and your body is teaching you. your mind is great and your thirst to compete in life fantastic but lifes a journey not a race try and enjoy recovery and getting strong rather than goals that may over do your bodies limits. great spirit.paul x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Val, you should have said... you missed out on lots of choccie medals and ice creams! Still, here's one now...Hope I don't get you into trouble at work by sniggering..!

    what's my inner voice saying? hmm (listening)better not say mine's saying the same as yours.. get back to work- you might clobber me!! Its actually saying... lets have a giggle.. oh dear, no hope...

    paul- thanks. RC received and understood, sir!

    I think the phrase 'the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak' sums it up... I used to use it when I couldn't get out of bed in the mornings...(idleness then)  but it still stands...

    Just to reassure you all, I am writing this lying on the sofa resting!!!

    enjoy your icecream... anyone else sniggering at work on the quiet who wants one??

    lots of love to you all...

    Little Myxxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh bum!  I posted earlier and forgot to save it because someone came to the door.  I did 'add' it, but it's obviously flown into cyberspace!  (*******************) NAUGHTY SWEARWORDS!!!!!

    I was saying much the same as the others - PLEASE SLOW DOWN Little My.  We all love you dearly and you must listen to those reality checks and not expect too much of yourself.  You might look well, but you don't FEEL well - yet!  

    Give it time and keep posting those lovely blogs, even if we do all need oxygen and incontinence pads at the end of reading each one.

    Can I have a monster Toblerone now?  (Sits back, gasping for breath..........!!!!!)

    Love you loads.

    Madge x x x x x

    P.S.  Gonna save this one - JUST in case!

  • FormerMember

    Naughty Madge! My young ears are stinging with those swear words!!! , just came back to do a ps to paul of how cute his dog looks!! aww I want one...

    anyway, thanks Madge, I knew you would tell me some sense and thanks for the love too... you deserve the giant toblerone so here it is... groan heave... phew...and hope you found the half way treats to keep you going along the way :) or did Shaz eat them all first ha ha?

    I knew you would tell me what's what and I listen to you...which is partly why I blogged it... don't have a mum/dad/granny etc to tell me sense so thanks and I am listening- honest!

    Lying on sofa this afternoon...

    Hope you are getting a bit of a space today with no help...

    love you loads too Give Gemma a lick of the toblerone

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    cheeky cow, :) :) YOU KNOW ME SO WELL

    I would have eaten them all if I had got here earlier but trying misserably to finish a curtain off. Dave is going dizzier as he cant find me ha ha.....Either sewing, on here or out back having a smoke.


    Im a carer too but wouldnt dream of leaving these nutters alone, they need me (I need them more really, and choccies, ice-cream..laughter) and they need you.

    Little My

    Nearly on the oxygen but have sorted out the wet knicker problem.........cutting down on intake of tea just for you and Kate x

    Hope you stay on your RC road and take it one day at a time, not easy I know as your typing is quicker than your mind, your mind is quicker than your the moment, give it time to catch up.

    Be back later for more!!!!

    Shaz (((((((XXXX))))))