Postcard from Sweden

6 minute read time.

Having a lovely time, wish you were here.

Love Little My

Oh, how you wish it could be that short!! Bad luck, stock up on food and drink, it’s actually 4 days worth- I’d do your teeth and get into bed if I was you, lets face it, it’s going to be long...

Hi there... are you missing me?

Who’s that? I hear you say... Little My? Who is she?

I know, ye of chemo brains... easily forgotten....

Anyway, thought I would give you a little update as one afternoon is a long enough blog to kill half of you, so 4 days worth... hmmm better be careful here....

So, got to Scotland and nearly behaved through the new inlaw’s dinner... apparently they had been worrying about getting dressed up and putting on tablecloths (on the table, not themselves) and sweeping the path etc and I was thinking, are they expecting the queen? cos this is Little My coming...  Anyway, nearly managed to pulled my plate away as I was serving up veg so spilt them all over the tablecloth and then I poured gravy and it went down my knife and onto the tablecloth... oh dear but I did stay off the coke and fizzy stuff and politely did the “thanks” with the “I am sure you are cured now, cos you look sooooo well” comments.

I must be a bl**dy picture of absolutely radiant health the amount of people who tell me how well I look... I should be on the front cover of Sante or Good Health or something... the rest of my life, people have been telling me how sh*t I look.. hmmm what is going on here...? Beginning to wonder- either they are just being nice, or cancer somehow has the ability to make you look more well than well people....

Went to pub quiz and won their team a point with the answer ‘condom’- proud of me?

Got 3 hours sleep and then off the Edinburgh airport. They checked my bag of bags (she sniggered) but not me, so phew, sofas and Volvo souvenirs are safe....

Bag didn’t blow up or anything on the plane... it was a complete non event and I was very disappointed. I did however discover that cancer seems to trump ‘fear of dying with flying’ as usually I get on a plane and think, oh... so these are the people I am going to die with... but I didn’t this time as for some reason, I am feeling remarkably alive at the moment! Guess it is because I am (alive that is) and there was a time not so very long ago when I wasn’t sure I would be alive and here so I feel very very alive and happy.... and the plane did not scare me at all... (bigger more real fears faced and laughed in the face of perhaps? I don’t know, I’m not a psychologist...just a little my having a giggle with her family)

Waved at Sunny Leith that wasn’t sunny cos it was 5am and dark.... a few sillies, but can’t tell you it all or I might blow up the site with too many words (and your brains)

Now safely ensconced in Sweden. Me and baggy had our first swim in the sea... bl**dy freezing it was, but it was bl**dy worth it!

I think you lot would like my aunt (mum) as your doctor. (she is one, a doctor, I mean- not just another loony) I asked her if it was good for me (swimming in cold sea) as me and baggy were having second thoughts about it and baggy was trying to beat a retreat up to the house and the sofa and we are inseperable at the moment so where he goes, I go. Hang on a minute, how come he's a he? shouldn't he be a girl? Oh well.. too late now... anyway....

 Her reply was “I think it is more good for the soul, than the body, and we can go in and warm up with gin and tonics or hot chocolate afterwards so lets do it.”

So, swam and then had both to be on the safe side and a nice big dinner too and I remembered that I like food again hoorah!

They have the most comfortable huge corner sofa in the world and we have nicknamed it The Sofa of Doom as once you are on it, you will never get up again... anyway, brother has decided that I shouldn’t be allowed to play the cancer card too much and hog the sofa, as they are tucking me in with blankets etc (so sweet) and he is getting jealous.  Max (son) asked me what my cancer card looked like when brother told me to use it- thinking it was a real one (so sweet) so he is now making illustrated ‘sofa cards’ We get 2 each for the holiday that can be played at any time when you want to get out of washing up or something and you are allowed to lie on the sofa...

Actually, I hear Sunny is getting rather good at washing up, and cleaning etc so might save mine and get her over here instead... I am going to make a  cancer card now to trump them all if there is a huge pile of washing up to do. Wondering what to draw on it. Ideas? an incredibly healthy looking person?

Missing you lot, and hoping you are all doing ok. Don’t want to rub it in, but I am so so happy and I even forgot about my liver for a whole day today. I even forgot I had cancer for quite a while this morning too, except that I got out of breath which reminded me. Get a little frustrated at my lack of energy and realising that running round the theme park  screaming like a loony might be out this year, but otherwise loving being here....and Maccy –move-mores will be delighted in my swimming (well, bobbing about not being able to breathe cos of the cold but trying) Waiting for the hot and sunny weather to arrive so I can swim and breathe at the same time- discovered that it is quite useful to do that...!. (we get your weather, so get rid of that rain will you?)

Will stop now so I don’t bore you too much and will send another postcard soon. Just to say there are lots of giggles and silliness and love here and wish you could be here to share it with me.

Lots of love to you all... I do worry about you all- are you ok?

Stor stor kram  from Sweden and reviving beers on tap.

Lilla My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Glad you've managed to survive your dip into the ice pool.  My teeth are chattering just thinking about it.  

    I'll look forward to reading the next exciting instalment.

    Have a fantastic time,

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    So jealous that you're having a lovely time in Sweden, swimming and drinking G&T while I'm stuck at work researching waste management protocols. Oh yes, things here are THAT exciting. It's important to make an impression at the inlaws, I find the way forward is to behave so badly that they don't invite you again so next time maybe a few cheeky glasses of coke would be in order? If nothing else it'd make the younger people at the dinner table giggle. Enjoy the rest of the holiday, I look forward to hearing what mischief you have inflicted on Sweden next.....Love Vikki x

  • FormerMember

    Glad you having a great time with your family in Sweden, and also that you had a spell forgetting that you were ill.....those are really good times! Go out and be as wicked as you can be. I'm with your Aunt on that one. If I asked my consultant if i could do something he'd say 'Yes'. When I had first relapse he told my hubby to take me for a really lovely meal and then they would book me in and discuss options the day after!

    Like the idea of sofa cards......does cancer card trump sofa card? How old is Max? He sounds like the best medicine, just like my kids were for me, except they wouldn't let me use the cancer card too often....probably why I was able to get through everything.

    Love and hugs from (maybe) Big Sis xxx

  • FormerMember

    LittleMy?? whos that?  Great to hear from you Little My.We may have missed you a Keep enjoying yourself xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Ann- water was a little warmer today so managed to swim and breathe a bit too hooray!

    Vikki- why don't you jump on a plane here? Just turn the computer on and stuff a cushion on your chair- no one will notice...Waste management protocols? sounds like something I do haha... err parp...

    Yes! Stinker of course you are my big sis, though not a sensible one...  I am hoping that cancer cards do trump sofa cards. actually my brother and I spent this lunchtime (apart from making rude jokes about the guests) working out acronyms for your cancer cards which I will be producing on warped soon so keep a look out. :o) max is actually nearly 20, but being the very very dyslexic son of Little My he sees the world in a very funny and bizarre way so in his head cancer cards exist.. as do sofa cards now he made them ha!

    Janique and all of you...Glad you all remember me a bit and miss me a bit. You are all so loveable that I can't keep away from you and miss you a lot. Got a good silly coming for you soooooon.

    Little My xxxxx