one of those days..

4 minute read time.

Evening All,

5 reasons why it has been one of those days..... had a lot worse of course, and it's all rather trivial in the great scheme of things....but just one of those days....

1. solicitor phoned- no news of moving date, still waiting for some bit of paper or other.. were meant to be moving Wed.. looks like next week now and still can't even book a removal firm or do anything at all  as still dont know the date aarrgghh!

2. cat decided to join me in the 'I've got an unexplained lump' stakes. Had to take him to the vets and £90 later (!!!) discover no, its not cancer-( thought he was joining in to be awkward like only cats can) but its only an abcess from fighting with another cat! Happy he's ok, cross about the money just for him to have a fight and he's got to back and that'll cost more.... but furious about...;

3. keep thinking I'm on the mend as they say... i sit around all day not doing a lot except fillding around with a computer etc and thinking I am much better and got loads of energy etc when all I do really is drift from bed to sofa and at the most 15mins of light pruning... but today I had to lift something heavy (my fat cat) and by the time I had got the cat out of the car and carried him up the driveway to the vets, I was completely out of know, panting sitting down out of breath!!  I know he's a very big cat and a bit fat and its a fairly long driveway but still... It then comes crashing back at you that you are not ok and not back to whatever the new normal is and there was me planning to decorate the new house next week and I can't even carry a bloomin cat in a box fume fume rant rant.... Plus the vet then asks me how's life and how I am as I can't speak just pant at her and she remembers I was feeling a 'bit under the weather ' when she last saw me a few months ago to put my other cat down- on the day I was diagnosed- that was a day and a half I can tell you.. ! So I dither between saying fine and her thinking me a weirdo cos I can't breathe and telling her about the cancer and waiting to see if we get that tumbleweed moment or I say well its all happening with us, I've just finished cancer treatment and we are moving house and the cats sick....  only the slightest of pregnant pauses before she starts chatting away about houses and saying I must be knackered and she didn't say I looked well and she didn't give me that horrid sympathy look and she didn't say anything dumb at all hoorah!! she just  very kindly got her assistant to carry fat cat out to the car for me, and recommended I put him on a diet when I feel up to it (choose your battle she said) good advice I thought.. though I reckon I could have managed to carry him our- the weight of my purse being so much lighter! boom boom

4. then I get home and can't breathe again from carrying him back up our stairs etc and then get paranoid and think I should be better than that by now and my side is aching and of course its where my liver is and my lymph gland in my neck is swollen and i think maybe its merrily spreading away while I wait for the dr to stick his finger up my bum and thats why I can't even carry a cat down the drive.....

5. Decide I'm being stupid and of course there is no point in worrying as whatever happens, happens whatever  - whether you worry or not doesn't it... so go to look in one of my leaflets to reassure myself with their list of you will feel paranoid, worried etc... and hey guess what... instead of gardening, in the post treatment section, there is a picture of a man emptying a bin instead of pruning roses... so I have been promoted for now from gardener to rubbish collector... ha ha!  if only I had the energy to do it ha ha So try to do a bit of sorting our rubbish for moving but just too knackered to do it.. which really annoyed me as I am not used to doing nothing and sitting around so thought I would have a rant on here and get it out my system... rant over.. sorry, not a lot of laughs there...back to silly tomorrow I expect.

Got to go to sign some papers with the solicitor tomorrow and if I still had the strength I would pin her up against the wall and demand a, not that kind of date... a moving date!  but you know what I will end up doing is saying "Oh really" and giggling instead... ah well.....

Hoping to send you more laughs tomorrow when I have my got my breath back!

And if you got to the end of that, you will probably need oxygen too rather than a medal today...

Little My xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little My

    Well I still had a laugh thanks. Glad you have been promoted ha ha.

    Talking fat cats or do I really mean fat vets, Ive got a very fat english bull terrier that on average costs us £140 about every 3months. She has allergies (awkward cow) and then chews her feet which become infected, hence the large vet bills for anti-biotics. Running around between Dave and trying to stop her from chewing her feet I should be like a bloody rake, oooooooh if only. Seen some lovely summer gear for slim birds.

    Hope tomorrow is a better day

    Shaz ((((XX))))

  • FormerMember

    Oh My !

    I know all about fat cats, the bloody vets and nurses snigger when I bring in my cat. As if I just stick food down willy nilly. My life is ruled by keeping this moronic animal away from food. If I could post a piccy I would. It's not even attractive or clever just humungosly big !

    I know so many things sound rubbish for you, just remember you must keep going, you have a cat that needs food and a solicitor that needs money. And listen -  light pruning, it really needs doing.

    Sleep well


  • FormerMember

    You people are so wonderful... every morning i wake up to lovely comments that make laugh...!and cheer me up no end...  Loved both of them... Shaz you made me laugh about your dog calling her an awkward cow- animals are basically awkward I've decided... !

    Armchair, you are so right... our lives are also ruled by trying to not feed cats and failing miserably of I was reading this, fat cat was sitting at my feet demanding his second breakfast- so yes, cats to fedd.... solicitors to pay.... better get up- no rest for the wicked.....

    Thanks again

    Love Little My xx

  • FormerMember

    Still made me giggle as I watched my mental image of you wrestle a really fat and grumpy cat up a really long driveway, watched by the still-twitching woman from next door. Animals can be so annoying, a couple of years ago I had to fork out £200 for surgery when the dozy eejit that is my dog got an extra long blade of grass wedged up his nose and it had to be surgically removed. We've also had fork out to have him checked over when he ran full tilt into the closed patio doors and knocked himself out. It's fair to say he isn't over-blessed in the brains dept even if he is sweet. As a puppy he once ate an entire loaf of wholemeal bread, including the wrapper resulting in a quite a swollen middle and a trip to the vet as he didn't go for a poo for nearly a week. Perhaps you could amuse yourself by putting the cat on a diet and trying to persuade it to run about. If nothing else it'll make you giggle at the cat's expression when presented with its less than impressive dinner. Best of luck with the solicitor, don't let them get away with anything! XXX

  • FormerMember

    Oh Vikki, got me laughing again... at least my cats are quite that stupid... giggling at the grass up his nose and running into the door... and he bread...

    Tried and failed miserably with diets- next step is low cal food to con him into thinking he's eating lots... His expression is not amusing I can tell you!

    Better get dressed and go and see the solicitor..

    Thanks for the laughs

    Little Myxx