Gibbering wreck!

4 minute read time.

Toothbrush here again. I’m afraid Little My is a bit of a gibbering wreck tonight and incapable of writing anything. She wasn't going to write anything, but then asked me to send a brief report on her behalf....

So, to start, here is a rendition of this afternoon’s visit:

Knock knock on Little My’s door....

There is a man in a shiny pin striped suit with very shiny shoes and an Italian handcrafted leather briefcase...

Oh Hello, You look familiar... Do I know you?

Yes, we’ve met many times before... I’m Mr. Sod’s Law

Oh, Not you again, what do you want this time?

The little pixie told me you are being greedy again...

Me? Oh yeah, so I am.... but don't want too really and aren’t we all? And Sunny and Steve say it’s ok and we deserve a bit of greed...  (hey that sounds like a band.... a bit like Shaz and Dave do... sorry sidetrack there... back to story...) and Sunny was going to sacrifice a goat for me....

Goat? Hahaha nothing works on me.... Rummages in briefcase... Here’s your Sod’s law for today...hands parchment with red seal etc and you have to at least give him credit for being classy...

Would say thanks, but... Oh bye then...

Little My shuts door and opens parchment...

“The house sale will go through while you are in Sweden... and P will have to do it all on his own”

Thanks, Mr Sod’s Law.... bl**dy nice one!!!!

Toothbrush here again... so you might think she is a bit preoccupied with this, and she will be soon enough, but right now something else is also making her a gibbering wreck...  I know it’s not a pretty sight, and not for the faint hearted, and some have been known never to recover from the sight... but let’s have a peep at what is going on in her head as we speak... .

Prize, creak groan.... ooh here, opened up.... have a peek....

... tomorrow is my first post treatment check up... and I am stupidly nervous about it... really stupidly nervous... My head can rationalise all it likes about it that no big news will come, just a first feel for any tumour still there or not (and rolos and the like) and hey, you get to see GC’s pretty face again and actually the coffee is quite nice there and the blood lady is nice and you haven’t seen her in a while... and even then it won’t mean a lot either way and it’s not as if he is going to say Oh its gone, congratulations, enjoy your life, cos cancer doesn’t work like that and I have got 5 years of this even if all is ok each time so better get used to it and  I’ll just have to wait another month for the scan before they can really say anything... whichever way it is going... and you’ll be ok even if it is bad news which it won’t be tomorrow cos its too early to say..... 

 but my stomach is tying itself in knots and I can’t breathe properly  and my legs are pacing around and I can’t keep up with any of them and I can’t distract myself no matter what I try and I can’t eat and can’t think and keep checking my list of quesitons and then thinking they are silly and I shouldn't ask them and my god, I wish I still smoked and  .... I guess we all do this but aarrggghhhh!!!!!

I know worrying doesn’t do any good and tomorrow I will wonder why I wasted all that time worrying like I always do every single bl**dy time and why won't I ever learn!?!  and whatever will be will be and I’ll deal with it and find something funny in it too cos I always do but I  just wish someone would tell my body........ and....

Phew, I think that’s enough... or you will not recover... better shut it quick.... creak, groan... slam!! Phew, hope you are ok... bit scary I know...

I think later on tonight she will be off to stitch that tabby merkin and eat nearly a whole packet of rolos in preparation. In the meantime, I understand that peeking inside Little My’s head can be quite a traumatising event so, despite all my reservations, the bar will be open for double’s tonight and therapy is on hand for those who need it out the back....

That was Toothbrush reporting. Goodnight.

Hoping Sunny's chemo went ok today xxx

Little Myxxx

  • FormerMember

    Sunny's chemo went fine - and I'll try to blog on it later!  

    I just want to give Little My a big hug for being there for me when I was having a wobble - and would like to return that kindness.  Sacrificing a goat is a piece of p**s compared to dealing with everything you have on your plate right now, and we ARE all allowed to have wobbles, because we don't do it often and actually spend most of our time, applying our (admittedly warped) sense of humour to getting through some very bad days.  There are lots of people in pain, of all kinds, out there right now, and you brighten a lot of days with your silliness.  We all know it isn't easy, so why expect more from yourself than you do from everyone else?

    Mine's a double laxative tonight - the new pain meds  are good, but their consequences leave a lot to be desired!  Pass on my regards to Toothbrush, glad he's able to lend you some support.  Stay strong brave girl.  Speak to you tomorrow.

    Love you, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    thanks, Ann, soo sweet of you and so right, I know, but what can I say? cos I'm stupid?

    Being a right little sh*tter all I have is stuff to bung you up... I tell you, the pain killers were a dream come true for me! I'll send toothbrush out for some..

    Promise to be brave...


  • FormerMember

    I did leave a post here for you Little My, but it's vanished into thin air. Someone else probably stole my words of wisdom! lol.

    Just wanted to wish you all the very best tomorrow. I'm nearly 8 years since diagnosis and still get the heebyjeebies (technical word) when check up time comes around.

    Keeping everything crossed for you, especially my legs!

    Hang on in there hun, you'll be fine.

    Catch up with you tomorrow.

    Love. Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    I hope today goes well for you. xx

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you Little My.Sending a BIG BIG HUG!!!! xxxxx