Brace yourselves!!!

2 minute read time.

Promise this one will be short enough that oxygen is not required but in return you have to do something at the end ha ha... (suspense eh?? that might keep you going to the end... ooh what could it be.... ah ah... I know your type... no sneaky scrolling down!!! )

So, having spent the weekend with my head in the metaphorical sand and lovely it was too...and can just about breathe again... tomorrow is Monday (yeah, I know you know that)  and next week is a biggy and no mistake so...

It feels a bit like the cliff hangers on those old American soap operas...

Has Little My's house sale fallen through? or will she have to pack and move in just  one week?

 Is My's cancer going or staying?? Just what  will the gorgeous consultant find when he sticks his finger up there?

How will Sunny's chemo go?

Will Little My ever slow down.... (oh, I guess you know the answer to that one already)

Tune in folks to find out.... in another episode of  the ordinary story of everyday folk.. oh hang on thats where it falls down.. the silly story of loony folk...

 (that's never mind cars to garages, cats to vets etc etc)

 I was  thinking wouldn't it be funny if I stuck something really weird up there just to see his face...Oh sorry, My,  I can still feel something... hmmm rummage..doesn't feel like your tumour... rummage... definitely something there.... pulls it out... "oh, its a kinder egg toy rabbit..."  ha ha ha of course that's not going to happen cos I am wincing at the thought of him even looking never mind anything else and I don't care how handsome he is :-)

So, ladies and gents...I'm stocking up on the chocolate, fags, booze, tea, coffee, tissues and tena need to get a good night's sleep... its going to be quite a week....

Now for what i want you to do... I know you think I am a nutter, but I am also a nutty professor (scientist) and I always want to know stuff and I have been getting the odd person saying I have been reading your blogs but not said anything before, and I was thinking there were about only  5 or6 of you who actually read them...maybe 10 at the very most,  and then I saw there were about 30 000 people on this site which kind of freaked me out a bit... now I know there are not that many of you whohave nothing better to do than  read the ramblings of a mad woman, but my scientist brain wants to experiment and see how many people on an average day actually read these blogs we write so...

If you read this, would you in the interests of science, press the comment button? You don't have to reply if you don't want...or just say Hi or something... of course you can claim your prize of choccies, fags, booze etc if you want and all my usual nutters please keep your usual comments coming cos I love them and you so much!!! Hope I don't blow the site up... I have blown the school lab up a few times errr.... ooops!

Lots of love

Little Myxxxx

ps knowing meand my usual experiement results, I'll probably only get 1 reply ... from Shaz's fat awkward cow of a dog who heard that there was chocolate going free.. :-)  xxxx



  • FormerMember

    Its a wonder the economy hasn't collapsed with so many of us lounging round here....morning Chrisie and Peanut...

    I read yours too Steve (makes me laugh in return) even though you don't get chocolate medals... mind you, guess me and Sunny have put you off the stuff now... ha ha

    Kinder egg anyone?? :-)

  • I'll never look at Kinder Eggs or Rolos in the same way again. EVER!

    Keep brightening our days.


  • FormerMember

    I thought it might be your fault.  So frustrated I couldn't get on the site last night that I nearly threw my pooter out of the window!  All's well now though.

    I do hope you weren't serious about putting things up your bottie?!?  If you MUST, make sure it's nothing pointed or sharp - your Consultant might prick his finger! :0)

    As you already know, I am keeping EVERYTHING crossed for the move to go through today.  I think there will be such a sigh of relief from us all if it does, that it will show up on the weather maps as a tornado or whatever.

    I hope you get this message.  Keep trying to post on blogs and the blooming things won't go.  Any way here goes..............

    Lots of love and *hugs*, Madge x x x x x

    P.S.  Are there any ice lollies going - it's hot, hot, hot!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge, got it loud and clear! You know me, it was only time before I melted the site... and now the weather too.. eeek!

    Its not hot here so you can have my lollie...

    Don't worry.. I wouldn't want to prick his finger, though i could offer to kiss it better ha ha.....

    Seeing as it seems you all have the same toilet humour as me (oh dear) if you need an extra giggle while we wait, have a look at my post this morning on the warped sense of humour thread... just up your  street..

    kate, just think, I am now going to make you giggle everytime you go to the supermarket... when you get to the chocolate section..... ha ha

    lots of love Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Little,

    I had to stop reading your blogs - oops Was costing a fortune and so embarrassing when I had to ask for incontinence pants and pads, needed a fresh bulk supply every day !!

    Think you should corner the market and introduce you own brand,  a range for men - what about pee nie Pads or Tenor Pads or simply Little My blog pads !!

    Keep us the great work, in fact think I have found the solution now, started reading it while sat on the loo !! Problem solved - err anyone got a good cure for piles if I develop them, heard rolo's were real good !!

    Love and hugs xx