The day of the Bronchoscopy

1 minute read time.

30th May 2013

Today is the day of the bronchoscopy. we are all nervous and my sister and I arent doing a split shift today ,we have both been there since early morning to support Mum.Mum was nil be mouth today and was gasping for her morning cuppa tea. Also it was the day when she decided she had the munchies. typical the first 4 days after admittance she woudnt eat now shes not allowed to she wants to. :)

We sit waiting for the porter until 13.30hrs. We say our goodbyes to Mum and wish her luck, the last things we say are how much we love her and she's going to be fine.

Everything is riding on this procedure being successful, The treatment options mum may have, the time line for how long mum could have left its a massive thing and both Dawn and I are just hoping and praying they are successful in getting a sample of this bloody tumour.

The procedure was to take just over and hour. we sat getting more and more nervous as that time came and past, as did the two hour mark, then the two and a half hour marker came and went by now we are starting to panic thinking has it all gone wrong, is mum ok. The two and three quarter hour mark just comes up and we start looking for a nurse so we can check mum is ok and we turn to see mum being pushed in her bed up the ward corridor. We have never been so pleased to see her. its was like this huge weight had been took off our backs knowing she was here and safe and we hadnt lost her.

Mum was a little groggy and a bit hoarse but she was ok.Now we just had to wait for the consultants round later that evening to see if they had been successful or not. Those hours dragged by so slowly. Then at 19.30hrs the doctor told us they were happy as they had managed to grab a sample and we should get a call or letter in a weeks time when the results are in. 

He told mum she can go home tomorrow but they want to do a spirometry and a lower abdomen ultrasound first before discharge so she will be going home in the evening.Mums face lit up.
