D Day has arrived. The first Chemo session.

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I was up at 02.30hrs, sleep decided to elude me last night, constant worries about what today will bring, Wondering whether or not the chemo will even happen as the tumour is pressing on the superior vena cava again making mums face swell and making her short of breath and rattly. they only redused the steroids last week and already its causing issues.

Well D-Day has arrived today. Everyone on route to the hospital by 6.30 am ready for an 8 am start. At the hospital mums settled and a canula placed in her arm. The nurses are so lovely and mums very upbeat and having giggling fits how much is nerves who knows but its good she isnt to upset or scared. The infusion began at about 8.30. nurse came and did mums obs , bp 126/73 sats 94 all of which are good for Mum so here begins 8 hours of infusions. Will update more later xx
