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I was diagnosed around August 2022 with peritoneal disease and an inoperative 10 cm tumour on my ovaries. I was given up to 3 years to live. Nearly 8 months later , I know have 3 cancerous tumours ranging from 8cms to 13 cms, all in my pelvis area. It has now caused damage to my left kidney and bladder, meaning I have to have a kidney tube and bladder catheter put in place. ( has anyone ever had one of these done, if so, what was your experience with them?)  At first, I had loads of people around me. But now everyone seems to have disappeared, even my little sister has been ignoring my calls since October. I'm just feeling extremely low and lonely. I just constantly cry. I live with my partner, but he works 8am until 6.30 pm 6 days a week as my workplace let me go. I just spend all day every day alone and miserable. Any advice on what I can do? It just seems everything just keeps getting worse. I'm 31 female never been able to conceive, unfortunately.

Sorry for the rambling on its currently 4.30am, and I'm unable to sleep.

  • I’m really sorry to hear that. There isn't much you can do about your partner having to work, unfortunately, but there are lots of online groups such as this one (and loads on Facebook) which can help a person feel a bit less as if they're the only one going through it all. I wonder if some of your family and friends maybe feel awkward through not knowing what to say or do under the circumstances? A lot of people feel uncomfortable being reminded of their own mortality so maybe that is why they don't visit so much. 

  • Hello Racheal, so sorry to hear you are feeling so alone. Even though you may not know us, lots of people on this site will empathise with how you are feeling. No-one should tell anyone else what to do, but, having said that I think that getting some support would be a really good idea. Give MacMillan a call. Tell them what is happening and ask them to help. I'm sure they will have some good ideas about how you can get some support. Good luck and you aren't alone - we are all here - even if you can't see us. Love, Nmbn.

  • Dear Racheal90, I was so sorry to read about how you are feeling but not at all surprised. You have had to take in so much life changing information it’s bound to make you feel a whole mixture of emotions. I think if you get in touch with the macmillan nurses they may be able to give you the name of a counsellor who you can talk to and he or she will listen in a completely unbiased way. It is sometimes good to speak to someone completely unrelated to you. Friends enquiries do tend to dwindle after a while for all sorts of reasons, but I have always found that they are usually pleased to hear from you and be kept up to date with what’s happening. I’m sure your friends would reply and that would maybe help you to feel less alone.