Topsy Turvy week

1 minute read time.

Too many highs and lows this week.  Today was a good day though as it was first day in the office since I was told about my 'mass' and my last day before our holiday.  I got loads done and it felt pretty 'normal' and was a relief after the unexpected excitement of the last two weeks.  Although my line manager was aware of the situation I also briefed my fellow manager colleagues today but stressed until I have my results I don't want the rest of the staff told anything.

So I clocked off before 4pm and am now officially on holiday.  We have a day of sorting and packing tomorrow; Sunday morning we're up early for a fast ferry to France and then 4 days in Disney Land Paris.  I'm so looking forward to this time together with my family in 'fantasy' land. Then we're heading to a family get together as it's my mother-in-laws birthday.  By co-incidence this break is happening now but it is much needed and desired!

Certainly this time out will avoid me dwelling on and waiting for the test results.  I know they could show that my tumor is benign but should it prove otherwise I want to be ready to tackle the beast so my doctors going to phone with the results - or certainly I've made that request!

So 'cheers' (as I raise a glass of wine) to you all.  I will be back in a week.
