day 6

Less than one minute read time.

not fully sunk in still in a daze .Lots of things going through my head . hoping someone else on here can help or have had similar.  l feel so healthy so cant believe l am unwell. Will find out tomorrow what stage l am at and course of action, its easier just now to pretend its not there but the bloody itch reminds me. Speak soon

  • FormerMember

    Hello Taysocks,

    As we all say on macland, sorry you have to be here in the first place but you'll find lots of support and friendship here to help you through.

    You don't mention what cancer you have, but there are groups where you can join and find others like yourself who will be able to support in that particular cancer type.

    I understand how scary it is for you at the moment, healthy one minute and then kwaiting to hear results and wondering what's beyond!!!!!  Things will happen a step at a time and your head will eventually condense it all.  There is a team of professionals out there armed with treatments and they will give you much support and be there for you.

    I wish you luck with your results and keep us informed.

    Take care

    Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Oh sorry Taysocks I've just noticed that you have menrtioned your cancer type in your titile, so go to that group.  There are also lots of other groups and general chat, with friendly people too.
