Tarceva..one year on.

1 minute read time.

This is a blog to perhaps give hope and encouragement, to explain and finally to give thanks.

I was given a diagnosis of terminal. lung cancer  "perhaps 18 months" .  If your reading this you do not need me to tell you of the impact of that sort of statement.  I was put on two courses of the "Plat" Chemo which failed to have any impact.  Then 30 days of consecutive radiation resulting in a collapsed lung and pneumonia and waking up to find myself in the cough and spit ward in the local hospital for several weeks.

On discharge the consultant has a big smile and shakes my hand vigorously. The radiation has  failed, there are no more relevant conventional treatments however he had mentioned there was a possibility of a plan B depending on the results of the biopsy analysis.  This had now come through and he was pleased to say the Genetic analysis of my particular cancer showed it would be vulnerable for treatment with Tarceva. That while the results could not be predicted it could be expected to hold the tumours back until the tumour adapted to it.  It is very expensive but he would start me on an immediate one month course.  That was 12 one month courses ago.  During that time scans have shown the tumours to have shrunk slightly or stood still.  I am some what breathless if I exercise to much but in most regards am very well. Had a couple of holidays, moved house, been to my grand childrens (6 &10) birthday parties, go for walks and swimming and lived every day of the life that is being given to me. At 68 and 70 my wife and I even got married!!!

Yes there is/was a down side. The first six months of a continuous bleeding nose, finger and tow nails dropping off and infections getting into the nail beds, all very sore and generally gets you down with fatigue and emotional exhaustion however now the side effects have gone. So don't give in, go positive and hang in there with the Tarceva.  use my experience, try and endure the side effects, it can be worth it.

Finally I want to give thanks, thanks to scientist and technicians for all their work inventing and producing this drug and not least to the N.H.S for providing it.  Thankyou.

Steve C
