tamoxifen side-effects

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Following breast cancer and radiotherapy started on Tamoxifen Jan 2010. Since then had kidney cancer and had radical nephrectomy August 2011. Tamoxifen treatment driving me nuts as so many hot flushes and night sweats. Finding it all very debilitating and tiring. Any suggestions on coping mechanisms.....? Bloody sweats worse than the cancer symptoms!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Daisydot

    Love your timing!  I spent the day walking through mud........... Up most of the night with hot flushes thanks to Tamoxifen.  Now, that was an exceptional night you understand.  My coping mechanism?  During the day I'm thinking that the tablets are working overtime and my breast is still cancer free.  I'm experimenting with some lovely cool blouses and soft cardigans (given up on jumpers!).  New colours of course and therefore new make up.  All these tend to take my mind off and after a 'medicinal' brandy (or single malt, depending whether I'm on to chocolates or nuts) I sleep really well!  Like you, I started them after RT in January 2010 for five years.  Here's to the remaining three and a bit!!!!!!!!!

    All the very best

    Georgia XXXXXXXXXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Georgia I am the cardigan QUEEN! have so many now in different colours/styles. Never, ever wear a jumper! I know I should be grateful for the medication that some don't even get. My nights are mostly very disturbed - sweats lasting up to 3 hours at a time - I love your medicinal suggestion. Mine's a small scotch and coke.......or two! Sometimes I take 2 paracetamol before going to bed and that helps. Daytimes are pretty horrid too. My colleagues at work laugh at me......cardy off.....cardy on....window open....window closed! I don't find it that funny though!!! Guess, as you say, we just have to put up and shut up. Hopefully it will all be worth it (despite having kidney cancer since the breast cancer I am still in a positive frame of mind mostly anyway!)Thanks for your message and best of luck to you too x x

  • FormerMember

    ooooooo Tamoxifen.....stick with but learn to adjust, I have a fan on my dressing table which i sit in front of after a shower or bath....then I dry my hair! I wear layers of clothing......stripping off and putting on....I sleep naked but thats nothing new rafl.......dont drink so many hot drinks.....INSIST on fans being available at work.......wear my hair tied up or always have a hair band at the ready........it's worth it to be cancer free ( I hope).xx