Re: The abrupt end to my Chemo

1 minute read time.

Quite a lot of people are interested in my "Diary", but when my treatment took an abrupt halt with NO explanation - - - I had no explanation for anything

Well anyway - - 1 week later, to the day, I got an e-mail from my Specialist Nurse Mentor with a full explanation of what would happen now.  She had been away on a course, bless her, and her e-mail covered the situation so fully, that I had no trouble accepting it.

The same day - the Doc that had just turned his back and walked out on me the week before - - phoned me personally and apologised for the way I had been treated, and thanked me for the Feedback.  He then explained all the stuff he should have explained the week before.   I can't help feeling that "better late than never" is not very appropriate under the circumstances - - - lol.   WEll anyway, it was verified that the Chemo WAS stopped specifically because of my dying Finger and Toenails

So now I have completed my whole Diary about my Chemo treatment, but haven't actually closed it, because in 3 months time my PSA might bring up another situation.   Now I'm planning on Posting the whole story in a Blog, with apologies to anybody who finds it boring, but it might help somebody.

Cheers    Dan

  • Hi Dan to be left in limbo like that is very scary.Not knowing or understanding why so it's good to know you finally have some answers but better late than never well I don't think that is good enough either to leave someone in the position you was left is totally unacceptable.It seems a lottery as to what standard of care we receive and all to often its the patient who has to chase after the Deucalion profession to get answers or treatment.A little bit of time taken to explain in a sensitive way the what and whys of things goes a long way.I hope your fingers and toes are improving and I hope your PSA doesn't raise any problems.Keep on writing your blog and as you say it may help someone else who has to travel the same road.Wishing you all good things Cruton x