It takes some believing

1 minute read time.

I had every faith in our large hospital, the Royal Berkshire Hospital, and praised them to anybody who would listen.

The Top Cancer Doc told me that my treatment would stop on the 6th Course.  My Record Book says 9 courses.  On the 6th course, another Doc told me treatment would continue because I was reacting so well  (from 70 down to 10 PSA).   On the 7th treatment, yet another Doc seemed surprised to see my rotten Finger and Toenails, and went away to confer with colleagues.  He came back - handed me a PSA request form and told me I would receive a letter of Appointment for 3 months time - - - - and walked out the door.   (My PSA was now down to 7.5 in just 3 weeks)

My daughter took me for a snack, but it took me several hours to get my head round the fact that I had more or less just been "patted on the head - - and pushed out the door" - - so to speak.

At home, I e-mailed the Urology Nurses to ask about "stepping down" from the sudden stop in treatment, - pointing out that the Prednisolone Steroid instructions said that one should NOT stop suddenly.   (I had 14 tablets left over from 7 days that I had missed over 5 months).  I had suggested stepping down by 1 per day.  The reply - - from the top Doc was to continue the tablets till the next Clinic.   I replied by pointing out that I had 14 tablets, which would not last the 90 days till the next "Clinic".   After 5 days, I have not yet received a reply.   I have not heard from my Specialist Nurse Mentor for some time  - but allowed for holidays and shortage of staff.

Was it something I said ? ? ? ? ?

I know I have survived the Chemo surprisingly well for my 80 years, but this abrupt stop to the treatment without any sort of "pep talk" about stepping down, strikes me as absolutely bizarre.   I feel as if I have been "stonewalled".     Some tips about recovery from the dead Finger and Toenails would have been reassuring too.

I absolutely HATE to complain about anything the NHS & Trusts do, but being virtually pushed out the door without even the SLIGHTEST instruction  or explanation, strikes me as mindboggling.

Cheers    Dan

  • FormerMember

    Hi Dan,

    That sounds totally weird! I really don't understand what's going on there, except that you seem to have been side-lined for the next three months. Maybe they thought your progress was such that any more chemo would be counter-productive, but it would have been courteous to say the least to tell you so. Perhaps it was the terrible effect of chemo on your nails that made them decide to stop. Either way it seems as if you won't be seeing those docs for a while.

    In the meantime, you need your steroids even though you're cutting down on them, so I'd suggest that you go & see your GP & explain the situation. He/she might be able to suggest a suitable treatment for those painful nails too.

    As for the hospital, have you considered getting in touch with PALS - the Patients' Advice and Liaison Service? They can help with taking up your issues with the relevant people at the Royal Berkshire. this is a link:

    I do hope you will get some practical help soon.

    With love & hugs,

    Twirly xxx



  • Hi Dan only to echo what Twirly has said.It may also be worth phoning your nurse or the consultants secretary and explaining that you do not understand what went on at your appointment with the consultant and see if they will give you an earlier appointment to clarify things.Your GP is always another route I too hope you get the help you need and I'm sorry you have to go through all this on top of everything else Love and hugs Cruton xxx