Further to "It takes some believing"

2 minute read time.

Hey gang, I'm still having real problems getting my head around the workings of this website, so it's lucky I've got a bit of time to spare just now.

Yesterday - - nearly a week after I was left in the Interview Room with my jaw hanging down to the floor - - I suddenly got a reply from My Specialist Nurse Mentor - who had been out of town on a Course.  When that girl sits down to answer questions - - she goes the whole hog, and gives detailed information that is easy to understand and detailed.  She gave me a list of unpronouncable treatments that could be used if the Cancer reared its ugly head on my next PSA in 3 months, including some new treatments as well.  The 3 month gap was apparently designed to see how I would "settle" after the Metoxan-stuff had been stopped, and to give my dead Nails a chance to recover.

BUT - - I then got a personal phone call from the Doc that had stuffed the paper in my hand and walked out on me.  He apologised profusely for not having been more informative, - - - explained a whole bunch of stuff about the proceedings, and thanked me for the Feedback.  My guess is that somebody had him up on the carpet., but at least he advised me to see my GP and get a course of Predisnolone to last the 3 months, and filled me in on some of the same stuff the Nurse had told me.  with that information, I was able to call the local Practice and see the GP the same day.

Bottom line - - I got ALL the Information, Medication and Advice - - that I should have had exactly a week ago (to the day).      Erm - - - better late than never, I suppose.

So now there's nothing to report for 3 months, but my tender Fingertips are healing at a surprising rate, and I have been pottering around today with virtually no pain, but the lack of Nails on my Fingers makes life a bit tedious when I can't pick small objects up, and can't open things that require some form of hard edge.  Compared to other Cancer & Chemo-sufferers, I feel almost embarrassed that I have got off so lightly - - but as the Nurse pointed out - - I'm not necessarily out of the proverbial woods.   My biggest hardship is having to find some sort of implement to open a can of Fosters beer - - - life is sooooooo hard.    (sorry - that's probably in bad taste, but that's just me)

Cheers    Dan 
