Dying Toe & Fingernails

3 minute read time.


After 40 years at sea, I made up my own "First Aid Kit" for burns, cuts, grazes and Tropical Infections, because I frequently had to attend to my own injuries.
Surgical Spirit - for cleaning around injured area and removing plaster adhesives
Hydrogen Peroxide - for discharging infections - to draw out the Pus
Micropore Tape (Anti-Allergenic) Surgical Tape - for dressing the wound
Cotton Wool Buds - or other absorbent means of cleaning and applying the Hydrogen Peroxide
- - - But since then, I have found the wonders of Inadine Gauze Dressing & Melolin Non-Stick Dressing.
With Chemo, I found my Toenails had started dying after about the 5th treatment of Metoxantrone, and Pus was oozing from underneath the nails.   (My Fingernails started at a later date).  2 courses of Flucloxacillin haven't stopped the infection under the nails but with a lot of care - - it hasn't got out of hand.   (I live alone & 80 years old).  My GP got me to the Podiatrist, where my dead Toenails were cut right back to the meat, but the infection is still there, - -  he dressed them exactly the same way I had been doing  (ego boost), by cutting the Inadine into suitable patches, and held in place with Micropore Tape.  Infection persists, so I soak Cotton in Hydrogen Peroxide and lay it on the infected areas for about 5 minutes, before wiping away and dressing the toe.   (NOTE: leaving the Peroxide on for too long will eventually burn the skin, but is absolutely painless and harmless for 5 or 10 minutes).  With the low Cell count, it is not healing as fast as I would like, but with constant care, it is manageable.
My Fingernails had started dying, but unlike my Toenails, they weren't dying completely, - - so the Roots of the Nails are still very sensitive, and trimming away the dead bits leaves sharp edges, which are VERY painful.  Thumbnails are the worst - - the nail is still very hard, and trying to trim away is not only painful, but care must be taken not to cut the flesh, - - which could get infected.
Sorry for the long story, but this is how I found a solution.  I cut the thumb-part off "Disposable Gloves", - put Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline) thickly on the edges of the nails where they were digging into the flesh, then pulled the plastic "thumb-part" over the thumb - - taped it in place, and left it overnight.  The next morning there was no pain.  I then cut a plastic Drinking Straw diagonally, and rounded the edge off, - - then inserted between the nail and the thumb as far as I could push it  (which showed how much was actually dead), and then was able to wedge Nail Clippers in and cut as far back as possible.  (Don't forget, the Vaseline had softened it up).
That left me with less than half a nail, but no injuries, - - and some exposed flesh.
But I'm not daft, I also keep Germolene "New Skin Liquid Plaster", which I spread liberally over the exposed area.   That was this morning.  I have been pottering around all day, doing a bit of DIY and whatnot - - and NO pain whatsoever.   (The "New Skin" only stings if the flesh is damaged).  WHAT A RELIEF COMPARED TO YESTERDAY.
I thought I would share this.     Dan

Next day.  

I redressed my 7 toes that are infected, and cut a bit more dead nail away on a couple of them - - drawing blood while doing so.  Used an Eye Dropper to drip a drop of Hydrogen Peroxide on each - - which stopped the bleeding, and carried on with the dressings.  I find the new idea of an Eye Dropper more convenient than dabs of Cotton Wool - - which is also more wasteful to saturate the Cotton, rather than a single drop - - - and more precise too

Have spent some time in the garden today - - tidying flower pots etc - - - - no pain.  (Hands or Feet)    :->


  • Hello what a resourceful and inventive person you are.It seems your years at sea have stood you in good stead and your still adding to your repitoire of first aid inventions.It sounds as if you have put all that acquired knowledge to good use I can't imagine how awful it must be to have infections in both toes and finger nails but it seems you have found a way to cope with it all.I hope your GP and the podiatrist were impressed with your handy work.I hope the infections clear up soon and you continue pain free.Big hugs Cruton x