what a rollercoaster of a journey??

4 minute read time.

i dont actually know what i'm doing, please bare with me?

the beginning?

I had been attending my local clinic as i'd had an abnormal smear test, the doc there had wondered why i had been sent there as it had been my first one.

they done a repeat smear and took a little biopsy whilst there, but said everything looked normal and they would see me in 6 months time.

i returned on sept 2011, had a different doc this time, he said there were borderline changes in the smear but the biopsy had been fine. he would see me again in 6 months time. i was thinking maybe this was because of the mirena coil that i had had fitted, was this causing the problems?

returned to clinic 26th march this year, was seen by Dr Fegan again, he said he was not happy with the way things were going so he was going to make an appointment for me to go into hospital to have the coil removed and to do a leetz prcoedure while he was there, which would remove any abnormal cells.

i went into hospital beginning of may to get this done, when i came round from the anastehtic(sp) he said everything went really well cervix looked very healthy and he saw no problems at all and would see me back at his clinic in 6 months. on the 14th may got a call from clinical nurse to say Dr Fegan would like to speak to me regarding my results?

16th may in Dr Fegans office he told me that the results had returned and there was cancer present, now they didn,t know if it was endemetrial cancer or cervical cancer? didn't know what to say sat there looking at him with my mouth open, turned to my husband and the tears were streaming down his face. (had i missed something?) Dr Fegan said he would arrange an urgent mri scan and a ct scan,

The mri scan was done on the 8th of june with the ct scan 2 days later. the clinical nurse phoned me the following wednesday to tell me the surgeon had looked at the mri and it showed cancer in the lip of my cervix and that 1 lymph node looked enlarged, she reccomended i was to have a radical hysterectomy, and that would be the cure!

i got my appointment through to see my surgeon on the 21st of july! she was on holiday for the 1st 2 weeks in july, told me everything i already knew about RH and she was very optimistic this would be all i needed? I asked if i could still go on holiday as it had been booked for a year and she said yes so i was away from 28th july ntill 11th aug, surgery was the 15th aug.

i went into hosp for pre op on the 15th op on 16th. evrything went well was in surgery for 7 hours but everything was removed. will get results in 10 days. i was sore bowels and bladder gubbed and not working correctly because of the op but they will return to normal. wed 29th august results were back. not good news!! it was in my whole cervix, in my left overy left tube leading to fallopian tube, and they had removed 15 nodes from left side, 9 were positive and 12 from right side 6 were positive. but that wasnt the worst news that was that the cells were reading as breast cancer cells and not cervical?? OMFG what is going on??

i had another appointment with the surgeon on wed the 5th sept, which i was basically told they may never find the primary source of my cancer and just accept i have cancer and get on with my life?? i asked her if this was still curable to which she said" if it is cervical cancer, yes. if it is ovarian cancer, then it is treatable but if it was breast cancer she didnt know?" i had an appointment to see a dr about chemo on fri 7th plus she had made an appointment for me to go for a pet scan which will be tomorrow 11th sept..and a mammogram was also being arranged foe me but dont have a date for that yet

i went to my app for the chemo doc and he was great he explained that yes my case was very bizarre and extremely fascinating for them but that there was no reason for me to worry as he was going for a cure and was going to blast me with 6 sessions of chemp followed by 5 weeks of radiotherapy.

i got my letter this morning the chemo will start next mon, and i feel physically sick. can i just say that through all of this i have had no symptoms or have not been unwell?? i am sooooo fed up this has went from being quite straight forward, to growing arms and legs and escalating.

well i dont feel any better for writing this down i just feel angry and i will beat this horrible thing that is growing inside of me!! .

if you have taken the time to read this then thank you so much. and if your on the same journey then i wish you the very best of luck..

hugs to all

Joyce X.

  • FormerMember

    Hi, well I did read it! Just wanted to wish you well with the chemo and RT and keep that attitude of beating it.... and being on Mac will help you and writing about it does help over time so join some groups and post in there and chat to others, it does all help and you will get plenty of support on here.

    Big hug

    Little My x

    ps you didn't put a title for this blog post, so its hard for people to click on it and comment. If you go to it and click on edit and then add a title for this post, people can click on it to comment. Otherwise, you have to go a really roundabout way to get on to read it. A bit silly and awkward I know, but just wanted to let you know so you didn't feel no one was reading, it might be they just can't comment. Hope that made sense... its a silly glitch of the site x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Little My firstly for reading my bolg and secondly for your advice,

    1st time i have write a blog so don't really know what i'm doing?

    best wishes

    Joyce. X.

  • FormerMember

    Hey, well done! you did the title. Impressive!... think you are doing pretty good for a first time I must say!

    LM x