Almost there

Less than one minute read time.

After waiting for what seems like forever i was finally given my pre op date/surgery date.  I go today for preop and to talk to a Macmillan Nurse about the surgery.  I am feeling more relaxed than i have but anxious about the surgery.  My symptoms have been well controlled by my medication and the infection seems to have gone which is good.  my partner and close freinds are truely amazing and have been such a big support to me over the last few weeks, this has helped me through as I dont know how i would have coped with out them.  In a effort to stay calm i celebrated my birthday over the weekend and had a really relaxed two days.  I turn 43 on thursday (surgery day!) and hope to get what i want for my birthday the cancer removed.  So I will try focus on that and prey that when I wake up it will be.

wishing you all the best with your own treatment and wanted to say thanks to everyone in here for kind words of support in chat

