Hair Loss

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It's started coming out today 14 days from the chemo like they said not sure what to do am scared I really don't want to shave it but don't want it coming out in clumps decisions decisions. My head is burning feels like evry pore is on fire.

Can't hide it from the general public anymore, have also got odd little lumps on the reconstructed breast just tiny like little peas will have to ring the breast nurse to see what to do.

  • FormerMember

    Hi...........I lost all my hair after starting chemo last March, I shaved it off for charity, my hair was my crowning glory, long to my waist but I knew one day it would grow back and now it is. I wore hats or scarfs. It is not really about loosing hair it is what has caused it my love. Don't hide yourself away love, most people don't take any notice unless you make yourself noticed, I went round with a bright blue wig on for awhile, why not and I also had a wig the same has my natural style but I loved my scarfs. Have a chat about these lumps with your nurse and never be afraid to ask Carol x

  • FormerMember

    I lost my hair through RT to the brain.  Kept all the back some of the sides...but was bald from the fringe back - a cross between Max Wall and Andy from Little Britain.  One of the R/Therapists suggested I shaved it all off, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.  If I put a hat on, you can't tell I am shiny on top!  Was told it could be permanent too, or if it grows back it won't start for 6-12months - well 7 weeks later it started to grow, not evenly mind, the bit that took the most radiation is only just getting sparse stubble, but from my parting down its a good half inch now and same on the other I am now sporting another popular style - THE AUSSIE MULLET.

    I was scared too and even here people would tell me - its only hair....but its not just hair, it was part of my defense because it helped me look "normal", without it (or part of it) I might as well have worn a "I've got cancer badge".  I cried for days, and still cringe a bit when I see my surgery scar and big dip in my skull uncovered by the hairloss.....but it gets easier I will say that.

    I didn't get on with the beautiful wig we bought, so stick to my hats.

    Good luck with your treatment and as Carol said, check out the lumps.

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    i shaved mine off ... its less traumatic than watching it fall out. it does grow back ... i went g.i. jane (bald ) most of the time.i also chopped up one of my wigs into 2 and sewed it into 2 baseball caps the hair looked a bit like my natural and i do wear baseball caps so people who saw me .. even ones who knew me well said i was lucky not to lose my hair cos i hate the bandannas and felt self consious in my wig you get used to whatever method you choose everyone is different. i suppose being a hairdresser i couldnt bear the idea of patchy baldness and if you shave it it grows back more even. mine was blonde naturallt very curly and down to my elbow.

    your right to get everything checked out its probably nothing but i always think as far as your health is concerned its better safe than sorry.

    good luck liz xx

  • FormerMember

    my son always kept his hair really short but a month after starting chemo his hair too started to fall out (hes been thro this before too so knew what to expect) its the only part that he has admitted to fealing upset about ....he left it a few days but couldnt bare it any longer he shaved it all to a no1. followed a few more days later to close shave and kept it shaven even after hair started growing back till it was even. a lot of people pooh pooh boys/men loosing there hair but i know he was really self contious about it although with time his confidence grew so much so that he was out to the waterpark twice a week in august playing with the kids ........hey we all had fun too

    good luck hun ....go buy some beautiful scarves etc

    or  a couple of different wigs ?

    best wishes xNx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks all of you I probably will shave it but it's just plucking up the courage I know so many people have done and got through it. Have bought some nice scarves and a wig as not sure which I'll want to use. Nurse says not to worry about the lumps (easy for her to say). Mayybe I'll get my son in law to come over tonight and just have done with it.

    Best wishes to you all. Stay happy xx