my son tom

2 minute read time.

hi my name is sue i have 4 chilren gaz 34 rich 31 tom 29 and soph 19 i also had a son named kai who died of a cot death and so my kids had joined the super precious group ,my boys all have moved out rich has 2 children himself gaz is due his 1st in october sophs at uni and me well i lost my job was at home and on 29th july got a call to say tom was in jimmys on life support me rich and gaz got there to be told there was a mass on his brain .they were trying to get him stable enough to move him to l.g.i. at 3 they blue lighted him across leeds he went down for a m.r.i. scan and was still on lfe support  we stayed at the hospital till 10 then gaz stayed the night and they brought tom out of his coma .sat morn me my husband and tom were called into a room and tom was told that he had siezures and had a large mass that was gointo to the right side of his brain was deep into the left and was in the speach movement and sleep areas . the thursday 18th aug the opp day it took 7 hours and me and rich walked round and round leeds tom came back up to the ward he was concious and gave us a small wave with a look that said hey im alert my arms work and i can see . these first 3 weeks for me were horrible as i was in some sort of shock trance bloody angry state and outside the world ticks on and my experience of this is prob different as i recognise these feelings from kai dying but this time its like being in some sick horrer move and outside ive nice people gaz rich soph tom my husband and my mate helen around them thers odd and thats the polite version people who have at the shitest time of my life decided to give me problems and stress im not at this time even going to mention them as my head is full and im not cpoeing as it is bad enough but even i cant do much about them at this time as i havent the strenth ,im also moving house yep i really love stress and i have to move so bless soph is home from uni and has done loads of stuff she sadly has to return and im going to miss her so much at this time as she at the sweet age of 19 has been so helpfull and she to is going through a bad time i want her back with her mates who i hope at this time are strong and there for her my husband works away for a living and isnt toms dad just sophs dad so the next few week are going to be tough with my 1 mate ha ha she will prob emigrate  thanks if you can be boved to read my blog xx sue

  • Hi Sue,

    Sounds like you are having a tough time of it at the moment, I hope you can find someone on here in a similar situation whom you can compare notes with and try and make some sense of all that is going on, i think you have come to the right place to find someone to talk with, and of course we wish you and your son well, although these things take time.
