Thank you...

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Thank you for your kind comments the other day. Things have settled a bit but this is going to be a long haul to resolve. Mum had a calmer day yesterday and is doing her best to support her sister who is in the thick of it. She said to me on Friday she was more angry that her sister had tried to protect her and not come to her because of her 'bloody disease'. We are off to see Mr Gastro man on Tuesday to see if he feels it is time to stent her duodenum and see if it relieves her symptoms.

  • Glad to hear things have settled down. Hope your Gastro man comes up with positive answers.


  • FormerMember

    As I commented on my earlier E Mail to the article on no back up after cancer. We just dont stick up for ourselves and we must. these Men are not Gods,Some are very very nice I know but they do seem to be small on the ground. So please be more demanding, it's your life we only have one"""""
