Much as we expected...

1 minute read time.

...... well Mr Gastro was charm personified yesterday according to my mum and sister, maybe it's just me that rubs him up the wrong way!! He had a good chat about symptoms and gave her a good examination. The conclusion  was as we expected (although to be honest mum did not admit this until after the event) that it is progression of the disease causing her symptoms but not anything he can relieve. He sent her for bloods to check for anaemia and see the general state of play and has ordered a CT so we can have an idea of what is going on in there as she has not had one since chemo was stopped over 20 months ago. He has said if anything comes back from the scan that he can deal with he will call her in sooner but if not will see her in 4-6 weeks. He has advised her to discuss her pain relief with her Mac nurse, something I have been asking her to do for weeks, when I reminded her of this she appologised and reminded me what a stubborn old goat she is! The bowel ressection has made it a little unpredictable to say the least and she can swing very easily from one extreme to the other, especially if codeine is thrown into the mix! So hopefully we can look at some slow release patches to make her more comfortable.

So maybe Mr Gastro will continue to be as honest as he has been when we go back in 4-6 weeks and give it to us as it is, mum hasn't ever wanted any kind of prognosis but is in a more resigned state of mind than I have seen before so maybe now she will want to know.
