Radiotherapy day 10

1 minute read time.

So, I'm 1/3 of the way through now. I'm glad to have the weekend break now. I don't have specific pain as such, but the burnt tongue feeling has increased.

I ate some toast this morning and it was a lot more tricky. Can still just about make out chocolate but most stuff doesn't really have much taste, coke and Pepsi taste awful.

My tongue looks very white but I don't have ulcers yet. I find it stay to think that I've got the other 2/3 to go and hate to think what state my mouth will be in after 20 more if this is what it's like after 10. I feel at my worst when I wake up.

On day 9 I had a review and she seemed to think things were going well for this stage of treatment. I explained I was using the Caphopsol, which might be why things aren't looking worse. I don't need any pain relief yet. I also asked lots of questions about all the words and numbers. I think she said Sup and inf Stand for Superior and inferior which mean moving up or down. They get me lines up with the markings on the mask and then have to move me slightly to get the centre of the treatment in a particular spot. I also took photos of my treatment scan pictures.

  • FormerMember

    Hello DLC ... keep on counting those days down, it was about this stage that the effects started on me with soreness to the oral tissues ( but I didn't have the benefit of Caphosol ) so persevere with the rinses. Don't be alarmed if your saliva becomes thick as that's one of the possible side effects, I had it but is temporary and can be dealt with.

    Yes, towards the end of my zappings I had to do a ' jiggle ' in my mask to make sure it was lined up okay. Hang on in there, you are doing great x

    Joycee x