2 Years since the end of Radiotherapy

Less than one minute read time.

Just thought it was worth popping back here with a quick update.

So I'm now onto 3 monthly checkups. I've got this small patch of osteoradionecrosis by where the end tooth is. It's on the inside of my jaw. Fortunately the tongue on the that of my mouth is partly arm,  so it's can't feel the patch. That would be really annoying! 

All my scars have healed up pretty well. I'm even wearing my watch over the flap scar now. 

I went on the radio the other day to talk about H&N cancer, people at work said I sounded really clear. 

I recently found this article 


And I quite identified with number 2.

Last day of term today- so got some Christmas clear up to do! 

  • FormerMember

    Hello DLC23

    Thanks for posting that article, found it very helpful.  Yes I have moments when I can identify with number 2 and I thought number 1 was great advice.

    Good to read that your scars are healing well.  Sorry I missed your radio talk - is there a link to a recording of it?

    Margaret x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks I found your blog helpful looks like the Rx is very hard but has to be endured no one ever thinks it's going to be them or their loved one on this journey even though Ca is so common insomeform or another