
2 minute read time.

So my 25 yr old sister, claire, got dx'ed with cervical cancer about 6 weeks ago.  the worst thing was, i was in australia at the time.

me and  my gf went to see my sister after i landed.

i cannot understand what claire is going through.  25 is so young, you don't think it is going to happen.  you get a letter saying you have abnormal cells but everyone says 'oh it'll be fine, i had that and they just did the loop on me and i was fine'.  my gf's sister also came back with abnormal cells but she needed the loop and she was fine.

i guess i have been feeling totally pressured.  but i feel like such a selfish bitch :( my sister has cancer ffs and im thinking of me.  

claire lives in liverpool, where we are from originally but i live in wales, about 2 hours away from claires.  

claire has a 10 year old daughter, she had her when she was 14.  when people ask me 'does claire have kids' and i reply 'yes' its like the fact that claire needs a radical hysterectomy isnt as bad - she already has kids, whats the problem?  the hysterectomy will get rid of the cancer, so whats the problem?

my life has revolved round cancer since i came back.  my sister calling, texting 20 times a day, making sure i am defo going to see her, be there when she is in hospital etc.  she is like this anyway, paranoid when we make arrangememnts that the plans wont happen but its affecting me more atm.  i cant be as 'firm' with her as i normally would be because she is sick.  so i am constantly trying to reassure her which doesnt work.  we dont have any other family, we were brought up in care so it is just me and her.  we have worked hard on building our relationship because we didnt live together as children.  we both have had problems.  

i feel so guilty for all the times i have 'hurt' myself, suicide attempts.  this hasnt happened in well over a yr, i am healing, on my journey.  but still i feel guilty.  here is a girl, wanting to live and there was me playing russian roulette with my life.

claire is booked in for surgery ina  couple of weeks.  she will have her womb removed plus the lymphs in her groin.  she is totally unaware of the pain she is going to be in, the healing time.  she is all like 'oh im healthy (er no, u have cancer) ill heal fine, ill be up and about'...the docs and nurses and the macmillan nurse have told her she is going to be laid up for a good while, plus the emotional implications but claire thinks differently.  im so worried because she has asked me just to stay for the wkend - i doubt she will even be out of hospital.  and i cant just stay on a whim, i ave commitments - am i being totally selfish?  i want my gf to come with me for moral support for me but we have the animals as well, i attend college and i volunteer for both samaritans and childline.  

cancer is all i am thinking about atm.  its there all the time and it makes me feel horrible.

please, i know i have the better end of the deal - i dont have cancer.  but please dont judge me for saying what i have.  i just need support, somewhere i can talk.

thank you 


louise xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Louise,

    Yes you are going to be in for a rough time with your sister. But dont forget you have your life to live as well. You will not be judged by anyone on this site. That much I can tell you, we are here to support and help in anyway we can if you want to talk there is always some one here to listen. So dont go feeling guilty about your own feelings. Remembner if you want to chat we are here. Look after yourself and Good Luck to your Sister.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Louise,

             Im so sorry for what you and your sister are going through and the hard life youve had.No one here will judge you.You need support just as much as your sister.You certainly are good helping with childline and the samaritans.Its quite hard to know what to do when your sister also has a child to look after and you have college to go to.Keep asking questions here if you need to and we will try to help.Take care.HUGS xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Louise, cancer doesn't just affect the patient, but also those around them, something we all know and would never judge you. You are not being selfish in the least. Life does carry on and you do have commitments. I'm sure you will be there for your sister whenever you can.

    I think it is good that Claire is being so positive about her recovery. Like you say, it might be a long, slow haul that she isn't prepared for right now, but she needs to stay positive, it will help her recovery.

    Wishing your sister and yourself all the very best.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    thanx guys :o)

    tried calling sis today but no answer :/ i didnt call until about half 8 now i am paranoid she didnt pick up the fone cuz she thinks i dont care!  this is a regular theme, her paranoia rubs off onto me, i start to try and think of what SHE is thinking!

    i am glad u have all been so nice, i was worried about my post.

    ive never known anyone directly with cancer.  you speak to people who know someone with cancer, but i have never had anyone close with the illness.  i guess thats cuz we dont have anyone else close ... :/

    my sister made a joke the other wk.  whenever we have to go doctors or hospital and they ask family history of like heart disease, cancer etc, we always have to answer 'we dont know'; cuz we dont know anything.  claire  joked that she has made 'family history' and now we have something to tell the professionals lol.  dont think cervical cancer runs in families though...but still, it was funny when she said it *black humour*

    im tired now an gonna go bed night xx