
2 minute read time.

So here i am, just fresh from the shower.  I used to love that fresh feeling, i also used to love soaking in a fragrant bath with a cuppa and a good book.  I didnt hate mirrors either.

now I just cry and cry and... well you get the idea.... I chose a mastectomy.  it made and still makes sense.  not that theres much internal debate time - from diagnosis to op was 3 weeks!  the word cancer motivated me to say 'get it gone' with much conviction!

6 weeks after that i had a 'sentinal node clearance' - sounds like a science fiction film where old robots are up for quick sale lol.  a week later my first shower.  i hadnt been able to have one as my original wound hadnt healed and was redone in the 2nd op and i discovered i am allergic to all waterproof dressings!

In that first shower i cried buckets.  and its mostly been that way ever since.  sometimes i get cross with myself, tell myself at least i have life.  except that i wasnt ill, i just had a couple of lumps, i feel so much worse now.

I am nearly at #2 tax after 3 sessions of fec.  Fec wasnt too bad but the 1st tax caught me unawares.  apparently the next 2 are easier.  then theres radiotharapy and continued herceptin.

Cancer has stolen a year of my life plus my breast and lymph nodes (which were clear of cancer!).  I should be, and mostly am, grateful that they think theyve cut it all away and that my nodes were clear but there are times when I am simply bereft.  I didnt have a great body, overweight and old, but the two things i loved was my breasts and my hair.

My breasts gave a proportion to my aging fat body and my hair was glorious - thick, luxurious and again a good balance to my body.

now i have 1 breast and no sodding hair!  plus when it grows back it probably wont grow back the same!

I was reading a blog earlier that said cancer strips everything apart from what matters away.  true. trouble is on some days all that is left is a sad old mutilated crying woman who some days struggles to even function.

in saying that i have wonderful friends and family and they are my motivation to keep going on the other days.  its just i cant tell them this stuff so i am telling anyone on here who will listen - thanks x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kazzle,  I have had the same as you, and find it hard to think or speak about what has happened. On the outside I give the impression that I am coping so well but that is really not the case. Last night, I had such a go at my lovely husband who is also not coping and I realised that it is time to address this properly and allow my feelings to come out and accept any help that is on offer. I just had #2 fec after 3 sessions of fec and have never felt so low but just your comment that the next 2 shouldn't be as bad has lifted me already. I dont know what to say to lift your spirits but I do want to thank you for being the person who helped me move along and start talking. xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi florida2013 - that a good aim, something to look forward to next year!  My 'thing' next year is Centreparks with all the family then a long weekend in Barcelona, just hubby and me!

    I agree about the talking but i find it difficult because the people around me say lovely things like 'oh but youre still beautiful' etc which is sweet but not helpful.  I have one friend that i asked to be my angst text partner - i can say anything to her via txt and she just sucks it up, prays about it, considers it and then txt back her understanding as far as she can.  she once called me her 'bald one breasted warrior friend' which made me laugh for the first time in ages.

    Good luck with your battle - we will win!!!! x