how long some-one out there nows plese tell me111111111111

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MUMS T3 LUNG CANCER WILL not be treated,she has no side effects yet. the cancer is very large but not bothering her . some one out there knows please tell me how long we could have with her the doctor hasnt even told us what stage its at we were told to just go home yeh im rely angry as they r not helping her ,love my mum .i rang macmillan nurse and she hasnt got bac to me yet bloody cheek some one must have anidea if i knew i could move on , you eouldnt be unkind by telling me i think months but dont know thank you guys love you all txxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracy,

    Me again ;)  my mum was diagnosed a month ago with T4N1M2 in short incase you haven't checked all on the internet (which I doubt!!!) tumour in the lung primary stage4 spread to chest lymph nodes in the chest also secondaries to liver and bone. So as you see her case is worse than your mums (EU country )  we now live in France it's Europe still and should fall under the same guidlines (NICE the accornym National Institute for Clinical Excellence (I think)) So why the difference in treatment!

    How long is a piece of string? Keep mum eating keep her fighting and who knows, also get a second opinion!!! Because even after all that mum is being fitted with a hickman line next Thursday and first treatment, granted for bone trouble first off but from what I understand if a secondary it is still the same type of cancer as the primary so hopefully will have an effect on all... if it was just pallliative care they wouldn't do that as you don't need the hickman line for radiation!!! chemo yes.

    Having said that mum went downhill rapidly from diagnosis mainly due to pain. So for your mum if it is NSCLC a while if she follows mums pattern.

    So hugs and more Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh p.s if no spread why not removal???

  • FormerMember

    because she had heart attack mild 11 years ago .

  • FormerMember

    Arrgh So f****ng what! Dad had a heart attack 2000 got told 2004 your old, your dying!!!!! Moved to France here your young, defibrilator implanted now at 66 due to go in 14th of this month for for open heart surgery for one that will control the whole heart if the blood vessels allow! They still say he is young!. Had he been given an angiogram might have spelt it wrong, then again that might not be not what I meant anyway lol, the little balloon (can you believe I had to spell check that word!) to clear the ateries normal proceedure in the circumstances yet nope can you do 3 minutes on the treadmill well your fine!!! he would not have the problems he has now, yet again thanks England for sweet FA. 24 years in the armed services another 10 in civil service and they F**k him off like yesterdays rubbish. As you might have noticed I am so angry at England. Even more so after reading all I have on here. They make me sick never paid a penny into the system what can we do for you? what can we give you? Worked all your life, paid all your taxes  thanks very much now p**s off!!!

    Ooops sorry ranting, which helps none of us sorry :(

    Much love Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    perhaps need to go to france send muc hugs