Hmmm genetic testing???

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I've been to see a gastroentorologist today. I liked him last time I saw this time not so much, he's told me I need a camera down my throat. Now after hearing horror stories, I dont particularly want it done at my local hospital.

They've also referred me to Family History Illnesses Clinic, because with such a strong family history of Bowel Cancer, there's even talk of genetic testing. Now I've thought about this in the past and the answer for me then was no. Now i'm considering it. Does anyone have any views? Or have had this done?


  • FormerMember

    Hi Tigg,

    I have had this done about 5/6 times and im getting it done next Friday. It is normally done under general anesetic so you wont feel a thing . It might be a bit sore afterwards but not for long. Hope all goes well.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tigg

    The camera down the throat thing is OK as long as you have a general anaesthetic.  If they suggest otherwise I would recommend that you insist on the general as I know two people (my mumsy and my brother) who had it done while awake and they both said it was horrible and very uncomfortable.

    On the genetic testing - well there are cans of worms that can be opened and I think it is a very personal decision to do it or not.  My SIL has MS and her mother also had MS which means the likelehood of my nieces having it very probable.  However none of them have gone for any tests because they say they would rather not know and if in later years they start to show symptoms then they will deal with it then and not beforehand.

    When it comes to genetic testing for cancer I personally think that if there is a strong possibility of it being genetic within your immediate family group then it is wise to have it done but that would be my choice and as I said, I think it's a very personal thing.

    Much love and big squidgy hugs,

    Nin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tigg,

    I have genetic bowel cancer, but they have'nt found the faulty gene yet still looking.My brother and sisters and 2 girls had colonoscopies and all were ok but they will keep an eye on them.

    I felt so much better that they we tested as they can do something then if they had it.

    I had the camera down my throat with some sedation was awake and did not even realised they had done it, I was so scared before but it was fine.

    Hope you get on ok , let us know.

    Pam xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tigg, thought I would reply.

    Yes I have had the camera down the throat treatment, it will go in via your nose down to the throat area etc. It is not nice, but take some deep breaths first when they start as this will open up your airway and breath out slowly counting to 10/20 slowly as it goes in. It's the initial start that makes you think you are going to choke, you won't.  Yes they will spray your throat with something.  After it is all done, try to chew on a fruit pastille or suck a sweet as this will help soothe your throat and  get the saliva moving. Even when home eat a wee bit of fresh Pineapple as this also helps as your mouth n throat will feel a bit sore and dry. 

    Hope this eases you a bit and best wishes, also best wished for the family history clinic. Bear in mind everyone has the Brac 1 and Brac 2 as they are defenders against any disease and it does not necessary mean you will get the Cancer even if there is a family history. Preventative things can be done to further any risks eg environment, diet, excersise etc. I do hope that all goes well and as I have said, be proud of yourself for taking this step. (In my own brothers and sisters, I was the only one to have had the faulty code passed via conception it is a 50/50 chance of which Genes are passed on to children. Speak soon and you take care. Hope this has eased any worries xxx