Concentrated Oxynorm and Birthday Tears

3 minute read time.

Since before having the Stoma Op mum was just trialling the fentynal patches, they worked for a while but mum has really thin dry skin caused by all the prednistilone steroids she has had to take over the years, she only bumps herself and she bleeds bless her, so eventually they stopped sticking to her and have found they are not strong enough (went from 16 - 56 in about a month. So over the passed two weeks they have changed her patches. (I haven't been there have been on time out to see fiance and spend some time together). These patches have caused her chest to get bad she is bubbling and wheezing non stop so nebulisers have been upped.
This always causes her to feel low and very upset, bless her she yet again was just kinda getting back on her feet well sorta.(For those who know of mum her tumor is growing from her back passage and into one of her buttocks so the area is very sore and bleeds quite regularly making it hard to walk/sit) So another blow to her trying to retain some sort of normality. She is trying so hard............... because of all the mixed medication she is tearful too. I feel so bad as there is not a bloody thing i can do apart from give her hugs and pass tissues.
So back to the medication they have now decided concentrated oxynorm is the way to go, now i didn't even know they did concentrated version of this then again four yrs ago i didn't know what oxynorm was! She is now allowed it every two hours rather then every four.
(shhhhhhh dont tell anyone but i've been doing this a while my sister on the other hand likes rules and has stuck in the past to the four hour ruling even if mum is writhing in pain, which i just cant so this has made me feel like i have permission from the hospice to stick two fingers up at her lol). On the other hand this news has reduced me to tears because i know this is getting worse and almost to the point where it is hard to control the pain. I don't let go that often but this made me weep like a baby. My mum has fought so frickin hard four yrs on 23rd Dec. She didn't think she'd make it to see my niece her eldest grandaughter start secondary school and she has acheived that............ Now I'm looking for something for her to hold onto for I feel like i'm alice in wonderland falling down that hole just scrapping for something to hold onto and never finding it or reaching the bottom. My so called white rabbit (alice in wonderland keep up ppl ;-)) is now Christmas, but I am not sure its a big enough thing for her to hold on for.................. am I being selfish???? Yes I am my beautiful mum is in untold amounts of pain so much so I can see it in her eyes and I cant let her go yet. Wrong in every way possible, but i just cant.
We took my mum out for my birthday, took her to a local garden centre to have tea and cake it was just Kev, my mum and I, and I loved every minute of it. It made my birthday very special indeed, when i text to say thank you, she text back sorry and she had wished it could have been different...... which broke my heart. As to me it was perfect.

Anyway lets see how this oxynorm goes..... keep smiling people. X

  • FormerMember


    I am smiling for you (depite the bottom lip quivering a few times as I read you post) for being such a brave person and obviously a loving daughter.

    I can't find the words, but I would like to say very best wishes to you and your mum.


    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Tigg ....... all I can do is send you huge hugs and the biggest blessings for your mum ... whilst your mum is prepared to go on fighting so must we ... I took a friend to a garden centre last Saturday, we have been friends for years and her mum had cancer so I can talk even more frankly with my friend than some others (and I saw a group of people there and one of them was cancer-bald too and i wondered how long before the rest of mine goes) , anyway what I was going to say is that tea and cake is always welcome and I am sure she loved it too and is just wishing she could do more for you coz mums always will no matter how old we are :)

    You sound like such a fab person and wonderful daughter........ and must be so lovely for you rmum to have around. Big Hugs to you, much Love to all.

    Ems xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tigg,

    You and your Mum are going through a very rough time. You said you wished that your Mum had something to hold on to. Like Alice in wonderland well she has something to hold on to that something is you. I know its a lot of responsibility.  But you have the strength, comfort support but most of all. The Love you have for your Mum and Her for you. So just be there to hold her hand and talk about the good memories you both shared.  My thoughts are with you both. All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tigg,

    Feel for you so much, I too am grasping for any way to keep mum here with me so I completely understand how your feeling on the one hand they are suffering soo much and it feels wrong to prolong the pain for them on the other.... it's your mum how are we supposed to just let go.

    Hope you manage to pull that white rabbit out of the hat along with a christmas miracle or two


    Helen xxx